
Showing posts from November, 2023


  A GOOD HUMAN BEING   A good human being is loved and respected by everyone. He is much sought-after. So how can we become one? Well, here are some ways to get there. It took me a few years to have an epiphany, and here they are.   PUT IN YOUR BEST EFFORT ALWAYS:   Give it your best no matter what you do in life. If you are a sweeper, be the best sweeper in the world. When you give it your all, success is bound to follow. Moreover, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you did your best. We cannot control the outcome of any undertaking at all times, but what we have control over is hard work and effort. As someone rightly said, genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. The effort should not be lacking from your side at all times. If you keep this in mind, you will be successful in your endeavors more often than not.     BELIEVE IN YOURSELF:   If you strongly believe in yourself, no storm in your life can affect you. Most of the battles of life are won or lost first in th


    THE STUDY TABLE   ABHISHEK MUKHOPADHYAY.   A middle-aged man full of vigor and enthusiasm in his salad days Put his back-pack on his study table And stretched up blooming and energetic He put his smartphone with earphones on the study table He put his wallet laden with his knick-knacks on there too.   On there he put the voice of his dead mother There he put the scars of the surgeries he had undergone On that table his first peck and his latest The bunch of back stabbing snake friends And the other good friends who helped him an hour ago.   On there he put the recipe of his favorite family poppy seed dish The brightness of the table lamp The rhythmic sound of the steel wrist watch gifted by his sister The latest thriller by Stephen King with a catchy bookmark inside He put that on the table.   The haunting tune of Eric Clapton’s song “My Father’s Eyes” And the inspiring Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If” And put that on the table Reaching out through the window, He grabbed the moon And pu