A good human being is loved and respected by everyone. He is much sought-after. So how can we become one? Well, here are some ways to get there. It took me a few years to have an epiphany, and here they are.


PUT IN YOUR BEST EFFORT ALWAYS: Give it your best no matter what you do in life. If you are a sweeper, be the best sweeper in the world. When you give it your all, success is bound to follow. Moreover, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you did your best. We cannot control the outcome of any undertaking at all times, but what we have control over is hard work and effort. As someone rightly said, genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. The effort should not be lacking from your side at all times. If you keep this in mind, you will be successful in your endeavors more often than not.


 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: If you strongly believe in yourself, no storm in your life can affect you. Most of the battles of life are won or lost first in the mind. A strong willpower can be developed and forged by constantly seeking challenges. It is acquired by repeatedly putting yourself in challenging situations. If you can overcome one challenge, it will increase your confidence in yourself and equip you to face many others in life. Learn to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. By having unwavering faith in himself, man has conquered many obstacles. Man has scaled the highest mountain peaks and has even set foot on the moon. All these were possible, first and foremost, by having faith in ourselves and our abilities.


NEVER STOP LEARNING: Someone has rightly said: Live as if you are going to die tomorrow, but learn as if you are going to live forever. A person dies the day he stops learning. Always be open to new knowledge and constantly upgrade your skills. Take time out to read good books; they are the fountains of knowledge. Listen to tapes, enroll in courses, take classes, visit the library, and read the daily newspapers. If you do not get the time to read newspapers, at least try to read the weekend editions or on your days off from work. Cultivate the habit of reading; it will pay great dividends. Don’t stop growing; don’t die before your time.


 NEVER GIVE UP: Life has its shades of sunlight and shadows. We all have our ups and downs. And no matter which phase you are passing through, never give up. Don’t quit on yourself. Always keep striving, no matter what, knowing better days are just around the horizon. It is just a chapter in your life, and if you persist, you can turn the chapter and move on to a better one, but only if you never give up. Winners never quit, no matter how hard it gets. When life knocks you down, get up and fight on. Learn, grow, and fight back from the hard knocks of life. No matter how you feel, always get up, dress up, and show up.


BE HONEST: We very often find that the dishonest and crooked folks prosper in life, while the honest guys are leading a miserable, unrewarding one. Well, it may seem so on the surface, but always remember that honesty has been and still is the best policy. What we sow, we reap. And we Indians are true believers in karma. Karma has a funny way of leveling things up. Karma has no menu; you always get served what you deserve. And Karma always remembers an address. If you are dishonest in your dealings, be sure that it will all add up someday. An honest path may seem difficult, but your conscience will be clear. You can sleep peacefully at night. And when your time on this earth comes, you will have no guilt or remorse. You will be answerable to no one except God. So be honest in your dealings; honesty is and will always remain the best virtue to possess.

 So, here are my five ways to be a better human being: Cheers! and always strive to be a little bit better.



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