What I love about fish and chips is it caresses my taste palate

What I hate about cats is their selfishness

What I love about winters is curling up indoors with a good book

What I hate about my country is its burgeoning population

What I love about my country is the warmth of its people

What I love about my city is its vibrant, throbbing, constantly on-the-move nature

What I hate about my city is its polluted air

What I hate is venturing outdoors on holidays because of endless traffic snarls

What I love about my brother is his cool quotient

What I hate in some is their ability to create endless drama

What I hate about love is that it hurts

What I love about forgiveness is that it is liberating

What I love about music is that it is food for the soul

What I hate about gossiping is its ability to spread slander

What I love about poetry is its power to capture fleeting thoughts into a smooth poem

What I hate is waking up at the crack of dawn on a cold, foggy, wintry day

What I love is watching an exciting fast game of soccer

What I hate is wasting an entire day to view a never-ending game

What I love about new books is their smell and the knowledge they contain

What I hate about advertising is that it can be distracting and misleading

What I love in a woman is her modesty and simplicity

What I hate about modern girls is their frivolousness and self-centeredness

What I love about summers is the bright sunshine

What I hate about rainy days is the accompanying despondent mood

What I love about Bob Dylan is his meaningful poetic verses

What I hate about rap music is the non-sensical lyrics

What I love about the movies is their power to transport you into another world

What I hate about sci-fi books and movies is that I can’t relate to it

What I love about my school is the excellent teachers who teach with a missionary zeal

What I hate is the mushrooming money-minting institutes out to fleece gullible students

What I love about traveling is the adventure

What I hate about life is its ability to test your patience to the hilt! 


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