On the marshy swamps of planet Mars, in the interiors is the village settlement of Kajukhali. This village has been keeping the media's pots boiling for the last two months. It so happened that a group of Enforcement Department officials from the capital Helhi descended on Kajukhali on a spaceship to investigate alleged wrongdoings of a group of henchmen of the ruling party. They belonged to the Kirpura community of Martians led by their leader Kosh. But supporters of Kosh and the Kirpura Martian community turned violent and attacked the ED officials with sticks, stones, knives, and batons. The ED officials were outnumbered and were badly beaten up. They managed to escape somehow on the spaceship and had to be rushed to a nearby Martian dispensary to receive emergency treatment. Three ED officials had major injuries including a cracked skull, broken legs, and stab wounds on the stomach. Since then Kajukhali has been witness to incidents of sporadic violence every day. The violence further escalated after it came to light that the Kirpura leader and his group of five henchmen had been sexually assaulting residents of the area under coercion. They had forcefully grabbed the local's land and were illegally occupying it. On the land they had occupied, they had started dog breeding and farming and an extremely profitable scavenging business. This became fodder for Mars's political parties, and they predictably started indulging in a blame game. The central party of Mars ordered a court-monitored FBI probe into the incidents that were coming to light. Many locals of the area came forward and gave their testimonies about how they were routinely abused and sexually exploited by the Kirpura leader Kosh and his associates. Kosh has since been absconding. A political slugfest is on the anvil, especially with the upcoming general elections on Mars. The local Kajukhali tribal chief minister has been facing the heat from the powers that be. She has since been having a field day every day fielding media queries about her missing party leader Kosh and answering her constituency. The local and central media of Mars have been broadcasting and reporting about this incident unceasingly. This promises to be a major issue for the upcoming elections. It could make or break the political parties of Mars. Only time will tell.




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