Just three hours drive from Guwahati is the picturesque city of Shillong known as “The Scotland of The East”. It is the capital of Meghalaya. Meghalaya whose literal meaning is: “the abode of the clouds”. And living up to its name the weather here is generally wet and cloudy. Three major tribes inhabit the state of Meghalaya: Khasi’s, Garo’s, and Jaintia’s. 


The city of Shillong is as pretty as a postcard. The imposing peaks and rocky highlands add to the splendor of this city. The city is dotted with pine trees and pine cones are found lying around in every nook and corner of its winding streets. Pineapple is a ubiquitous fruit and is sold everywhere in Shillong. Mellifluous sounds of music are heard from all over the city. The people of this city are famous for their love of music. Strains of soft rock, blues, country music, and carols during Christmas time come from the resplendent houses. Some of the grand houses of this city are made of wood. The water of life: whisky, wine, and rum flows freely in this city. The people here are easygoing, laid-back, and fun-loving. They are known to enjoy life to the max. The city has a rich and sumptuous cuisine to boast of. Jaddoh is the most popular dish here.


 Now let’s talk about the places of interest here. Umiam Lake is a must-visit destination. Ward’s Lake is another major attraction. You can go boating with your family here. The cascading Elephant Falls is inviting. The bustling Police Bazar is a shopper’s delight and is always buzzing with activity and excitement. The Shillong View Point is a sight to behold! The view from Shillong Peak is spectacular. You can take a walk at Hydari Park and visit the animals kept in the zoo here. The architectural brilliance of the Cathedral is another major attraction. Shillong is also known for its excellent schools. The Christian Brothers run St. Edmund’s School for boys and the Catholic Sisters – Loreto Convent for girls are outstanding educational institutions. 


Christmas time is the best time to visit Shillong as the city comes alive with festive fervor at this time. This little piece about Shillong is written from the crevices of my memory as it has been many years since I left Shillong. Things must be a lot different now than what it used to be. I was born here and did my schooling in this city. So, adieu Shillong! The memories linger like the bright warm rays of the sun and the magnificent rainbow after a prolonged spell of Shillong rains.


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