“Well, My Oh My, look who’s on the other side of the battlefield now. Twenty-odd years ago, you had left me for dead on the battlefield. Now, how does it feel when the tables are turned?”


“I don’t have any feelings. I execute orders according to my programming.”


“You know, I don’t know what to tell you. All these twenty years, I am forced to relive the pain you inflicted on me. And I force myself to forgive you over and over again every single day. I am treated like a convict and face many injustices and problems because of the sorry state you left my health in. It’s been a long ordeal, and I live through it daily. But you wouldn’t know anything about it, would you? You have no feelings when you execute orders. Please tell me what I should do with you now. Would you like a sample of the pain you have caused me?”


“I have no remorse. Like I told you, I do not feel anything. I carry out the tasks assigned to me. My task then was to eliminate you. I don’t know how you survived. I thought we had done a thorough job.”


“Well, spare me the robotic talk, you machine. You don’t feel anything, but you have certainly got the gift of the gab and can talk a dime to a dozen when you feel like it. Let’s start with the basics. Who created you?”


“I was designed and created by the Wire Robotics Corporation. Our local madrasas financed the project with massive funding from abroad.”


“Interesting. And what were your objectives in that battle twenty years ago?”


“My primary objective was to eliminate any threats to us and ensure the success of our mission. We were looking for total subjugation and dominance and spread the glory of Allah all around.”


“Well, your actions had endangered several innocent lives. It took us over two decades to build lasting peace and work towards national integration. And what was your target?”


“I was targeting anyone deemed a threat to our mission and thought to be a prospective enemy by our intel and programming.”


“That included us.”

“Yes. You, your group, and all you stood for were considered a massive threat to our mission objectives.”


“I see now. After all these years, do you still consider us a threat?”


“My current objectives are to reconcile and cooperate with the authorities if there is any enquiry into what transpired.”


“That’s good to hear. I forgive you and don’t hold any grudges. You were a misguided soldier. Our intelligence agencies and our government will decide your fate.”




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