“Hey! Pooja. Is that you? It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

“Yes, Scott. It’s been a long time… twenty years, to be precise. But I’d know and recognise you anywhere, no matter the time and distance between us.”

“You have turned out to be a beautiful lady”.

“You look wiser with the glasses and much more muscular than your boyish avatar.” 

“So, Pooja, how have you been?”

“Well, Scott, I’m fine. Mostly, my work keeps me busy. What about you?”

“Same here. By the way, do you remember our prom dance some 20-odd years ago in middle school?”

“How could I forget that. The memory of that dance keeps me going. It seems just like yesterday”.

“Yeah! You were the best dance partner I had back then.”

“You know, Scott, since that day, I have often wondered what it would have been like if we never parted.”

“True. You were the first person to make me feel that way. I have also often wondered along the same lines, too.”

“Yes, Scott. My heart raced when you asked me to go to that prom in that biology lab. We may not have been perfect, but we did develop an inseparable bond.”

“Indeed, Pooja. I have often felt we were like that perfect Pride and Prejudice couple.”

“I still know that Truly, Madly, Deeply, and Love is All Around are two of your favourite love songs.”

“Yes, and Love is All Around is the song we danced to on our prom night in middle school, isn’t it?”

“Well, Scott, I cherish those memories.”

“Yes, though life may have taken us on different paths… we can always remain friends, can’t we? We can add brightness and cheer in each other’s lives.”


“Let’s go out for coffee one of these days.”

“Yes, Scott, I’d look forward to that. It took our school reunion after twenty years to bring us together again.”






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