The Galaxions are a special class of aliens inhabiting the solar system. They lead an extravagant, rich and luxurious lifestyle and are known to have strange quirks and hobbies. One of their fetishes is keeping humans as pets. Many exotic specimens of humans are bought and shipped from earth to the planet of the Galaxions. They are kept as companions or for the sake of entertainment of the Galaxions.


One full moon day on the planet of the Galaxions, it was decided to have a “human show”. This is equivalent to what we know as a dog show on Earth. Many Galaxions registered their pets for the show. As humans don’t work for free, the Galaxions very cleverly used the lure of the opposite sex to motivate them into the ring. The first criterion for the show was that only purebred humans would be allowed to compete. The show was also open to mixed-bred humans. They would be judged on their physical perfection and attributes like agility, endurance, intelligence, obedience, loyalty, brain power, articulation, social skills, breeding power, blue blood, etc. The show was thrown open to both males and females.


A large crowd of Galaxions gathered on the appointed day to witness this grand spectacle. The state media of the Galaxions was beaming this show live to each and every household. The first competition was for the females. The first round was to judge their figure and sizes. Only females above the age of eighteen were allowed to participate, as the Galaxions thought it to be the ripe age to blossom. Many petite females led by their owners strutted their stuff and one was chosen as the winner in the size round. Next came the skin, teeth and hair round. The colour of the skin, from dusky to fair, was all noted by the eminent Galaxion judges. There was stiff competition in this category, and many came neck to neck in the final analysis. Then came the swimwear round, and the pampered, beautiful female pets strutted their stuff in bikinis and exotic swimwear. It was then time for the talent round, where the participants showcased their unique talents and abilities. Lastly came the brain and intelligence round, where female pets were judged for their intellect. Throughout the rounds, the Galaxions applauded loudly and cheered their pets on. Finally, one female, let's call her “Miss T”, was chosen as the winner in the Best Female category.


The same set of rounds were now held for the male participants. The males, led by their owners, entered the ring one by one. Apart from the different rounds witnessed in the female competitions here, there was a unique round where the males were judged on their breeding capacity. In the brawn and muscle round, the opulent male pets displayed their biceps, triceps and six packs. After the end of the gruelling rounds that witnessed more catcalls and whistles than the female rounds, one Best Male, “Mr S,” was chosen as the winner.


It was now time for the “Best in the Show” competition where “Miss T’ and “Mr S” would compete against each other for the title. The Galaxions were all at the edge of their seats as the contest unfolded. After many heartbreaking moments, “Miss T” was declared triumphant based on her personality and superior intellect. The beaming proud owner of “Miss T” accepted the prize, a significant value equivalent to millions of dollars in cash. “Mr S" and his owners had to be content with the runner-up prize.





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