(SCENE: A noisy pub in Connaught Place, New Delhi. Two characters, Ria and Rani, sit facing each other, their face built up with tension)


RIA (with a frustrated sigh): I can’t believe that the last piece of cake, the sweet reward I fought so hard for, is not coming to me.


RANI (defiantly, her eyes flashing): You could have got whatever you wanted, Ria. But ask yourself honestly, have you been a good girl? Is your conscience clear? I can’t believe you still think that the last piece of cake, the symbol of your selfishness, is coming to you.


RIA (defiantly): Come on! What do you know about it?


RANI: The world has witnessed your behaviour, and even if you are deluded, no one notices it. Many people are in the know, even if you don’t think so.


RIA: Maybe if you had listened to my side of the story, you wouldn’t have thought so.


RANI: Maybe, but nothing on earth can justify your behaviour. No decent, sane and civilised society would tolerate what you have exhibited. There is no way you can cover that up.


RIA (leaning in): That piece of cake is mine by hook or crook. There are no two ways about it.


RANI (shaking head): Grow up. Stop stalking and obsessing. It doesn’t work that way. You won’t always get your way, and it's time someone told you about it.


RIA (voice rising): Shut up! You fucking stupid bitch! That piece of cake belongs to me, and nobody will snatch it away from me. Not even you.


RANI (clenches fists): Maybe not. But some things are unforgivable!


(The pub falls silent as other patrons steal glances at the heated exchange).


RIA (softening): Look! I’m not saying what I am doing is right. I’m sorry, but the cake is mine.


RANI (sighs, relaxing slightly): Sorry, it does not mean a thing if you keep repeating your behaviour.


RIA (reaching out): I know, Rani. But sometimes people change, give me some time.


RANI: You had ages to rectify your behaviour. But you refused to learn. What makes you think that a dog will change its spots?


RIA: That may be so. But the last piece belongs to me, and no one can take it away from me.


RANI (gently): Let’s agree to disagree for now, okay? That piece of cake belongs to someone who rightly deserves it. We don’t see eye to eye on this; this is a well-known fact.


RIA (nods reluctantly): Fine! But I can’t promise any change even if I see things your way.


(Despite the tension, uneasy calm lingers between them as they sip their wine silently.)


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