In a tech-driven world where connectivity is paramount, a dark reality lurks beneath the surface, which we as a society conveniently sweep beneath the carpet. The growing cases of sexual abuse of children and the rampant surge in online bullying in a city like New Delhi is the scourge that we should fight against now. It demands our urgent action. As a journalist of an esteemed organisation, I must shed light on these urgent issues that can no longer be put on the back burner. It is looting our youngsters of their innocence and peace of mind.


The internet, with all its advantages, has now become a fertile ground for lurking predators out to exploit vulnerable children. With the anonymity afforded by online platforms, these perpetrators lurk in the shadows, preying on helpless, gullible minors through social media, online gaming and other modern digital spaces. They indulge in abuse, coercion, blackmail and torture of young children, leaving behind a lasting trauma and sickening side effects that can last a lifetime.


The rise of online bullying in metros such as Delhi brings into focus the predicament of youngsters who are subjected to untold harassment, ridicule, humiliation, abuse and torture. Cyberbullies use digital mediums to gang up on vulnerable children and unleash a volley of abuse, threats, and hurtful and vulgar comments that affect youngsters psychologically. The anonymity of the internet and modern digital platforms encourages the perpetrators, who realise they can get away with such cruel acts. There is no regulating mechanism, and we ignore the child's distress signals as they do not affect us.


As a decent, civilised, conscientious and compassionate society, it is high time we wake up to this menace. If today someone else’s child is suffering, tomorrow it might be your very own. Law enforcement agencies should do their job and identify online predators who use advanced technologies to prey on children. God only knows how many more lives will be lost before the government, law enforcement agencies, and the collective society at large will wake up to this pressing challenge of the times we live in. Children are not empowered to deal with the challenges posed in their lives.


Modern digital platforms should raise their hand and come forward and take responsibility for regulating what goes on in their platforms. Strict moderation and checks should be done to identify and punish predators.


Parents, educators and caregivers should be sensitive and understand the problems the child is facing when dealing with such menace. Children have nowhere to seek help when they encounter abusive behaviour online daily.


Everyone is responsible and should do their best to uphold justice. For, as they say, “An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Report and bring to the authorities where you find cases of cyberbullying and harassment. Don’t wait for the problem to knock at your door. Be a responsible citizen, act now, and do your part to create a safe Delhi where every child can thrive, free from fear of exploitation.


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