The first time I saw my mother was when she gave birth to me and brought me into this world. I was an infant then. Since then, her love has manifested for me manifold from the earliest moments of my life and existence. Being her firstborn, I had a deep sense of attachment with her. Her sacrifices at every stage of my life built the path on which my journey unfolded.


I remember the countless sleepless nights she spent comforting my fears and standing like a rock during all my trials and tribulations. She was a source of inspiration and a reassuring symbol in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. She nursed me during all my sicknesses, accompanying me to the different doctors and hospitals. She always scolded me about being fit and used to monitor my diet strictly. She ensured that I always ate healthily. She was my constant companion with whom I shared all my highs and lows.



As I grew older, I realised how she set aside her dreams and aspirations to give me and my siblings an education and upbringing. She helped us with our school work, taught us to aim high and reach for the stars, respected our teachers, always encouraged us, and instilled in us the values of simplicity, honesty, kindness, truth, perseverance, and empathy.


She worked hard to provide for our family. Her tireless efforts were behind the food on our table and a roof over our heads. She worked long hours throughout the week. She managed both her work and our home life single-handedly. Her sacrifices are immense because today, modern women would give an arm or a leg to progress in their careers. But my Ma rejected several promotions in her work to be able to devote more time to us. All in all, she had foregone four promotions in her career.


Her sacrifices were not just materialistic, as she hardly spent a dime on herself. Always putting the needs of the family first, she invested emotionally in us. She bore the weight of our family’s struggles with grace and dignity. Her bravery and courage in the face of adversity and challenging circumstances are still the fuel that motivates and keeps me going even today.


Looking back, I realise my little success is due to her guidance and upbringing. My heart is filled with a deep sense of gratitude. I hope her sacrifices have not been in vain and that I can somehow live up to her expectations.


Later on in life, my vigorous Ma fell ill while shielding me from my illnesses, which I had been battling for a long. To my mother whose sacrifices knew no bounds, I offer a silent prayer, thanks and gratitude where ever she is today. Ma, we are proud of you.



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