As the sun set on a spectacular day it brought to an end the glorious chapter in the lives of James and Isabelle. In the twilight of their lives, they stood hand in hand in their terrace garden, which gave an excellent view of the city’s landscape. Overcoming the insurmountable obstacles they had encountered in their relationship: the distance, the villains who tried their level best to separate them, the overbearing relatives with their attitude of constant cynicism and disapproval, and the barriers of race, colour, cultural and glaring social status differences- they had finally done it. They had overcome it all and how.


At the terrace garden, James once more prayed the serenity prayer, which he always turned to in moments of stress and strain in their relationship. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Their faith had endured – he had triumphed, they had triumphed. He had risen from the ghettos.


Throughout their relationship journey, they had one constant: their pug Buddy. As he sat at their feet, Buddy was extremely happy to see them finally together. He symbolised the unconditional love and faith their relationship had witnessed. They stuck on to each other through thick and thin, very much like their pug.


James felt the double-powered steel watch, a gift that adorned his wrist. James considered it his lucky charm. This watch signified their battles together through many ups and downs. It proved fortunate in their relationship, as the world conspired to bring them together after he owned it.


James and Isabelle found the world in each other's gaze, and the world came to a standstill in their warm embrace. They took their time and shared a lingering kiss that sealed their story in a happy ending. It spoke of a love that had defied all odds, conquered barriers and moved mountains to bring them to this moment of joy. They knew in their hearts that their love would endure forever as they were divinely guided by the cosmos and watched over by angels. That’s the closing scene in the eternal love story of James and Isabelle.


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