Once upon a time in a small village in the countryside, there lived a young man named Nathaniel. He was known for his golden voice, a gift recognized early in life by his friends and teachers. But Nathaniel was more than just a beautiful voice. He was kind-hearted, humble, and had a love for nature that was as deep as his love for music. His voice, combined with his gentle personality, had a soothing, calming effect that could melt even the frostiest of hearts.


Many miles away, a girl named Michelle lived in a bustling city. She was the daughter of an extremely wealthy family, a modern urban girl who enjoyed the luxuries of her life. But despite her wealth and status, Michelle was a down-to-earth girl who didn't believe in social hierarchies. She yearned for something more meaningful in life-a true soul mate. She longed for a connection that was deeper than the superficial relationships she often encountered in her social circles.


One day, Nathaniel’s friends made a clip of him singing and posted it on Instagram. And guess who happened to chance by it? It was none other than the beautiful Michelle, who stumbled upon it when a friend of hers sent it to her. She was instantly captivated by this young man and felt an inexplicable connection to him. Acting on impulse, she made inquiries about him. Her influential father used his connections to find out Nathaniel’s details and contact number. Michelle took the initiative and reached out to him on WhatsApp and email, expressing her interest in getting to know him better. As they connected through these modern modes of communication, Nathaniel harboured feelings for her, but he was unsure and hesitant to express them.


One day, it was decided that there would be a music festival in the countryside. Nathaniel’s friends encouraged him to participate. The concert was to be televised worldwide. Nathaniel, unsure if Michelle would be able to make it, sent her an invitation. To his delight, Michelle decided to surprise him and travelled many miles to attend the festival, adding an unexpected twist to their story.


Nathaniel had a plan. If Michelle turned up, he would serenade her. If she didn't, he would sing an alternate song. On the day of the concert, Nathaniel’s heart skipped a beat when he spotted Michelle sitting in the front row, cheering wildly. He took out his guitar and began singing Bryan Adam’s “Everything I Do I Do It for You”, pouring his heart out for the world to hear. The lyrics resonated deeply with Michelle as if they were speaking directly to her. At that moment, she realised that her search had ended. She had found her true soulmate in Nathaniel, and nothing could break their bond.


The lyrics of the song deeply resonated with Michelle. The lines where Nathaniel sang, “Look into my eyes, you will see, what you mean to me, search your heart, search your soul when you find me there, you’ll search no more.” Michelle felt the lyrics were speaking to her. At that moment, she decided that her search had ended. God had shown her true soulmate. Something, some mysterious force, was bringing them together and binding them like glue in an unbreakable bond. Their bond sustained distance, social status, cultural differences, race, colour, envious people, you name it. But she realised the truth:  everything Nathaniel did, he did it for Michelle.


Their love story became the talk of the countryside. Their coming together was a testament to the power of music. The line “where words fail, music speaks” came alive. As they danced under the starry skies, they knew their love would endure as some divine forces and their hearts guided them, and they were joined in one.


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