BENJAMIN (angrily): “This is outrageous! Everything’s falling apart. I can’t believe this garbage!”.


MARY (trying to soothe): “Shh, take a deep breath, inhale, calm down. There must be some logical explanation. Let’s think rationally and not jump to any conclusions.”


BENJAMIN: “Rational? My Wi-Fi connection is not working, and neither is my phone's mobile data. I don’t know how to complete my pending work. It is a disaster.”


MARY: “Now, don’t blow your top, Benji. We’ll figure it out. Perhaps it might work if we close the systems and try again.”


Benjamin: “Restart! Are you for real, Mary? Even my radio, which operates on the battery, is not working. This is beyond frustrating!”


MARY: “Now, don’t get so worked up, Benji. Let’s think this through with a calm head. Maybe a manual check can throw some light on the problem.”


BENJAMIN: “Worked up? I’m going bonkers here. Nothing is working. My gadgets seem to have a life of their own. They seemed to be controlled by some external source. This is maddening.”


MARY: “Maddening indeed! But losing your cool won’t solve the problem. Let's tackle this one step at a time.”


BENJAMIN (angrily): “This is driving me up the wall, Mary. Every single darned gadget in this house is kaput. Someone has ghosted them. What kind of sorcery is this?”


MARY (trying to soothe): “Shh, take a deep breath. Let’s think clearly. There must be a solution.”


BENJAMIN: “A solution? My electricity goes off at peak times. When I am working online on some important projects, the darned internet connection goes into buffer mode. My phone, too, refuses to work. It is as if the devil has installed the Pegasus software on my gadgets. This is utter chaos”.


MARY: “Chaos, indeed! But panicking will not solve anything. Maybe there is a glitch we just can’t lay our fingers on.”


BENJAMIN: “A glitch! This is more than a glitch. It’s like we are in some cosmic prank perpetrated by the devil himself to wreck us. “


MARY: “Prank or not! We need to stay focused. Let’s reboot everything.”


BENJAMIN: “Reboot? Are you for real, Mary? Don’t you think I might have tried it already? This is driving me bonkers!”.


MARY: “Bonkers, Benji! But losing your cool won’t fix anything. Let’s explore other options, shall we?”.


BENJAMIN: “Other options like what? This is like being attacked from all sides while blindfolded and trying to navigate this maze.”


MARY: “Blindfolded or not, we will find our way through. Let’s start by checking the mains and internet connections, shall we?”


BENJAMIN: “Connections? They are all secure. This is like a never-ending nightmare. Is there somewhere we can seek help or complain?”


MARY: “Nightmare it is, but we will soon wake up from it. Let’s face this problem one step at a time, keeping a cool head.”




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