An invention from the distant future, “The Mind Hacker Programme“, suddenly becomes available in the present times. When inserted in the brain, the mind hacker can read minds and is suddenly accessible. Now, this is a marvel of science if used ethically. But guess what? With all things new, it fell into the wrong hands. It was initially designed to enhance communication, improve understanding, sharing of thoughts, healing, research into the human mind and for medical purposes.


It was hailed as the next big thing when it was first invented, a wonder of modern times. Media experts and pundits orchestrating their media circus spent many hours analysing and waxing eloquently about it on national platforms. Countless hours were devoted to chest-thumping and seeking appreciation and validation.


But guess the sad reality. With some simple modification and tweaking, it soon became a tool for those with questionable intentions and integrity. It became a convenient weapon for the infiltrators to invade privacy, abuse, manipulate, torture, and try to control the mind. Given this scenario, the Pink Floyd song “The Wall “comes to mind, especially the line “We don’t need no education. We don’t need no thought control.” This is especially true if it's coming from extremist and disruptive ideologies and their perpetrators.


As news of the chaotic and manipulative Mind Hacker Programme spread, panic gripped society. Mass-scale civil war and unrest erupted. Governments tried to do some damage control, but as always, the infiltrators were two steps ahead of the game and made a mockery of the government’s efforts. The vested interests of enemy nations and their allies tried to control and use this technology to their advantage. Different factions emerged as each tried to outdo the other.


But the silver lining was that a few individuals, organisations, responsible nations and guardians emerged from this chaos. They tried to counter the Mind Hackers Programme's damage and reclaim freedom. They attempted to unveil the corruption, stink and shit behind this tech and especially the wrongdoers helming it. They tried their best to counter the fiefdom of the infiltrators and their dictatorial ideology, which became a significant threat to responsible democracies. Meanwhile, the infiltrators continue to have a great time cocking a snook at the efforts of the authorities to rein them in.


But crucial, vital time is lost in coming up with a solution to the problem. There is no telltale of justice in this matter so far. It only reiterates that tech in the wrong hands can wreak havoc on society. But one thing is evident in this mess: “Do not let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.”


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