REPORTER: Thank you, Draco, for granting us this interview with The Globe Newspaper. As the mastermind behind the Dope Shadow Stalkers, a name that strikes fear into the hearts of many, could you share a glimpse of your early life and the path that led you to this position of power?


DRACO: Well, I come from an immigrant family. I grew up in the forests where it was the survival of the fittest. We soon assumed an urban identity. We lived by snatching food from others. That was our means of survival. Seeing my penchant for brutality and ingenuity, my clan, whom you people call extremists, appointed me their leader.


REPORTER: How do you operate?


DRACO: We operate under a veil of secrecy. We are highly secretive people. We take pride in being more technologically advanced than any government can ever dream of becoming. We have more superior tech than the antiquated government ones. We are always two steps ahead of the Conscientious Guardians or any government, for that matter. We have always managed to escape and have never been implicated in any crime till now.


REPORTER: For once, will you come clean on why you kidnapped the royal scion of the kingdom despite knowing that there would be worldwide outrage given his status? What were your objectives?


DRACO: Well, I don’t mind clearing the air once and for all. The prince was injured and ill when we found him. We decided to take advantage of his vulnerability and moved swiftly and trapped and imprisoned him. We held him captive because he was a prime catch for us as he was close to the government and people in power. We thought we could negotiate with the government and the Guardians, who we believed would give us a handsome ransom in exchange for the prince. So, we started torturing him when neither the government nor the guardians acceded to our demands. We understood that the government had a policy of no negotiation with kidnappers. As a result, the scion suffered. We don't believe that it’s our fault he suffered, as the Guardians refused to wake up to the situation in time, and neither did the government.


REPORTER: Apart from kidnapping, what other crimes have you been involved in?


DRACO: Well, apart from kidnapping, we dabbled in drug trafficking, especially marijuana and smuggling of local booze. Marijuana is our trademark. We not only consume it but also peddle it. We are bootleggers also and run a profitable local booze business in different parts of the country. Also, we indulged in petty thefts, burglary, house-breaking, pick-pocket, and even significant crimes like stealing government secrets, espionage and cyber-crimes.


REPORTER: Do you ever regret your actions?


DRACO: Honestly, no. In our line of business, if you want something, you just snatch it by force or deceit. That is how we operate. Once you are in, there is no turning back.


REPORTER: What is your motivation for a life of crime?


DRACO: Well, it gives us a high that even marijuana could never give. Plus, it’s a team-building exercise for us. We have discovered a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood in our clan when we indulge collectively in crime. The kidnapping of the scion was one such example of our entire clan uniting. Earlier, we used to bicker amongst ourselves, but that stopped when we had the prince in our captivity. We all united against him.


REPORTER: Now that you are banished from the kingdom, do you have any regrets?


DRACO: Not at all. Our allies will give us refuge in their forests. We will rediscover our commonalities, bounce back, and thrive there. We will run our empire from there.


REPORTER: What message would you give someone pursuing a life of crime?


DRACO: Well, for one, it is no easy job. If you succeed, the rewards are high. If you fail, it might mean death. But it’s a high that even our marijuana can ever give.


REPORTER: Thank you for speaking to the Globe newspaper


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