The balloon spurted high in the sky, its bright orange colour standing starkly against the clear blue sky. Below, Shawn held his horse, Mustang, and the sweet scent of vanilla drifted from the nearby bakery. Shawn’s mind was yearning for progress, yet he felt the heavy chains and shackles of a toxic environment and the stifling group of people that held him back.


Shawn’s locality was congested, noisy and crowded, the kind that quietly disappeared from sight and into the background when the tourist buses and vehicles made the rounds of the city. Today's weather was sultry, and the shimmering heat was unbearable, but the breeze carried the aroma of freshly baked confectionaries and pastries. Yet despite it all, Shawn felt trapped. And today, as he watched the orange balloon rise higher and higher, it symbolised a freedom he longed for but could not attain.


Every day, Shawn woke up to the same routine with a slight variation here and there. He worked religiously in his cluttered morning study before heading off to work. His bosses at work always seemed to find fault with him. “We will send you back to the training workshops if you keep making mistakes like this”, they’d say, their words heavy with disappointment at his performance. They were quick to judge and never offered any encouragement whatsoever. They never mentioned the things he did right, and they were always hunting for that one mistake in his work.


The people surrounding him were no better. They thrived on showing him up, gossiping, bad-mouthing, and spreading negativity about him. They waited eagerly for him to fail so that they could justify their bad behaviour and cruelty towards him. Shawn’s few attempts to break free from this nonsense and toxicity and pursue his calling were met with scorn, scepticism and mockery. “Dreams and passions don’t put food on the table, neither do they pay the bills”, the scornful neighbourhood elderly ladies often reminded him, their voices dripping with condescension.


But today was a new day. As Shawn watched the orange balloon ascend, he felt a spark of rebelliousness ignite. He looked at his horse, Mustang, who nuzzled his hand affectionately as if sensing an upcoming storm. “What do you think, Mustang? Is it time for some change? Time to break free?” he whispered, stroking her neck.


Shawn had always dreamt of becoming a man of significance and contributing to society. He had the vision, the plan, and the ideas to make his dreams a reality. All he needed now were people who believed in his vision, the right environment and the support of the right people to make it a reality. He had never shared his ideas and dreams before because he knew they would be shot down by the small-minded people surrounding him. But today, the orange balloon floating freely and fearlessly in the sky reminded him that he could rise from his dismal circumstances, that there was a world beyond the world he currently inhabited and that dreams do come true.


As the sun set that day, Shawn decided to pursue his dreams no matter what. He would take Mustang; he knew the path wouldn’t be easy and would be fraught with challenges. But staying here, suffocated by negativity and small-mindedness, was no longer an option.


He quickly packed a few essentials and quietly saddled Mustang. With one last look at the surroundings that had been his home and prison, he set off into the horizon where, earlier that day, the orange balloon had disappeared. The aroma of the vanilla was now replaced by the scent of bravery, anticipation and adventure.


As Shawn rode away, he felt lighter, as if a heavy load had been lifted from his shoulders. The shackles that had been holding him back had finally been broken. The future was uncertain, but he felt strangely hopeful for the first time. He would face obstacles, but now he faces them on his terms. He was sure that God would help him make something of himself.


And so, the journey started. On his new journey, he met many kind, new strangers who offered him help and valuable insights. They supported his ideas and dreams and encouraged him on his path with their valuable feedback and guidance.


Months passed, and Shawn was now firmly in the saddle, holding the reins of his life in his own hands. He suddenly arrived at a beautiful place brimming with opportunity, enterprise, and innovation. Here, he found a community of kind, like-minded individuals who welcomed, nurtured, supported his dreams, and propelled him towards a bright future.


Shawn’s work and novel ideas were celebrated and revolutionised society. Everyone welcomed his unique ideas and gave him his due, earning him respect and admiration. His career continued to flourish, each success a step further away from the toxic shadows of the past.


Years later, Shawn stood on the city balcony of his plush high-rise apartment and saw an orange balloon drifting in the sky. He smiled, remembering the day it all began, and looked back at the journey with wonder and gratitude. The smell of vanilla was still thick in the air, probably signifying how far he had come and how much further he still needed and wanted to go.


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