James, a junior-level executive at Sunshine Industries, exuded quiet confidence as he sat in the boardroom meeting conducted by Mr. Eobard Thawne. His presence, though unobtrusive, was a testament to his competence, a fact that Thawne only acknowledged when he specifically signalled him out for a few comments here and there.


JAMES: “Something cold and calculating about this man, Thawne, sends shivers down my spine.”


His words are silky smooth, but James knew there was darkness lurking underneath that smooth talk. Having been at the receiving end of Thawne’s actions all these years, particularly his ruthless decision-making and disregard for the well-being of his subordinates, James realised that he had turned out to be his nemesis and the primary reason for all the suffering and unhappiness in his life. As Thawne commanded the room, he could see the calculating glint in his eyes. As Thawne continued speaking, James saw through the show he put on for the world. He had undeniable charisma, but his intentions were dark.


JAMES: “It’s like playing the cat and mouse game with him. He utilises me as a piece on his chessboard. His motives are selfish, while he speaks of innovation and growth. Many times, I used to feel angry and question God about why I should be made the scapegoat of his raging ambitions, but somehow, faith in the goodness of the universe helped me endure it all. He gave me the short end of the stick. He prospered while he made me suffer.”


James was deep in thought. He could not shake off the uneasy feeling of observing Thawne’s behaviour.


“It is chilling at how ruthless this man can be. He kept me under his control like a puppet master. He hit out at me whenever he felt like it through his psychopaths.  He unleashed psychopaths on me to keep me imprisoned, thwart my growth, make me suffer and kneel to his powers. He kept me on a tight chain, doing all these with a kind smile, professing his loyalty and everlasting love and care for me and my family. He put out a façade for the world that he was training me in the ways of the Sunshine Industry and curing me of all my perceived illnesses and shortcomings. But all the while silently torturing me to no end and exploiting my family’s good name.”


James felt a growing sense of helplessness as he watched this man grow in stature, power, influence, and wealth. He wondered if he would ever escape the clutches of this evil man and be free of all the abuse, manipulation, and exploitation he had silently endured all these years. He also suddenly feared because he knew how much this man could go in pursuing power. James's parents had themselves fallen at the hands of Thawne and his ancestors. James knew he had to tread very carefully from then on, for a slight misstep would allow Thawne to strike out at him and send him to the happy hunting grounds to join his late parents.




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