Mr Eobard Thawne, a man of commanding presence and the CEO of Sunshine Industries, sat in his opulent cabin. His assistants, ever at his beck and call, filled the room with a sense of bustling efficiency. The room was adorned with the finest furnishings, a testament to his power and success. He reclined in a plush chair behind a gleaming mahogany desk, preparing to call a meeting of the company's members. A few chauffeured state-of-the-art cars stood outside his cabin to drive him anywhere, any time of the day.


THAWNE: “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your exceptional hard work this season. I want to thank those silent workers in this industry who silently contribute to its growth without much reward or fanfare. Let me tell you that I am forever indebted to that worker for his selfless efforts and sacrifices for the greater good of this industry. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. James, I was admiring your input today.”


(Thawne’s thoughts raced as he spoke these words; he always calculated three steps ahead to plot his next moves. He was not known as the professor for nothing. These fools think that if I praise them, I am doing my part. Well, some lip service and sweet talk didn’t hurt anybody. These selfless, mad fools are the ladders I have climbed on to reach where I am today. I will continue to use their idealism and honesty to rise further in life. They are just pawns and stepping stones on my path to further success—the bloody fools!).


THAWNE: “But we cannot be complacent and rest on our laurels. We must constantly innovate to stay relevant in today’s competitive world. Innovation drives us forward, and I expect the best from each of you.”


(As he glanced around the room, he felt like the powerful Dracula commanding the helpless innocent sheep. These fools are like pawns in my game plan. I will never let them settle down. I will constantly create chaos, trouble and discontent in their lives. Only when I keep them unhappy will I feel secure and thrive. I will exploit the confusion to my advantage. They think they are serving Sunshine Industries and all that its visionary founders stood for. Still, they are just serving my associates and me and providing us with our fat salaries, perks, and, ultimately, our handsome pensions. After I am done, I can see myself vacationing in the Kaziranga National Park and the Sunderbans. These bloody fucking fools!)


THAWNE: “Our next ventures will be our most far-reaching and forward-looking ones. We will revolutionise this space. Our competitors will be history. Together, we will shape the future with your partnership and help. James, I look forward to your cooperation in the new season.”


(Thawne smirked inwardly and smiled grimly at the thought of the chaos he would unleash. He would go about trapping the industry's most ambitious yet idealistic, honest and simplistic worker, James. Some say he is the most deserving of a promotion. But I will severely trap him in a maze of deceit that he will never escape. I will use all the information I have gathered on him by snooping on his family as my leveraging tool. The mad, idealistic fool won’t know what hit him. I will utilise him thoroughly and take the money while he takes the blame. The world may not know my name, but they will bow down to me after I am done exploiting this peasant. I have fixed a dog collar around him to keep him on a leash. The gullible fucking fool thought I was curing him of his anxiety. I have destroyed his self-confidence by the diet of constant abuse that I have fed him on all these years. I will be the undisputed leader breaking all records of previous dictatorial leaders this fucking industry has ever seen. The fucking fools!)


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