Ashley was spring cleaning his attic for the upcoming festive season when he came across an ancient world map. Ashley was curious, so he took out his microscope and carefully examined the map for fun. Something strange caught his eye: a country that defied logical explanations. The map shows that the place was bang in the middle of Ladakh and the capital of India, New Delhi. At first glance, it was not visible to the naked eye, but it became visible only under the scrutiny of the microscope. The name of this place on the map was “Aurora”. Ashley was filled with curiosity that only intensified with each passing day.


Ashley, unable to shake off the allure of this mysterious place, resolved to uncover Aurora's secrets. He delved into research, consulted books, scoured the Internet, and unearthed old texts and scrolls. Finally, his efforts paid off. He deciphered the coordinates on the map, entered them into his laptop, and in an instant, a grand doorway materialised before him, beckoning him to step through.


With anticipation and excitement, Ashley stepped through the portal, only to find himself in a realm unlike any he had ever seen. A goddess of dawn materialised before him, welcoming him with a garland and a traditional drink. The hospitality of Aurora's inhabitants left him in awe. The sky, a mesmerising blend of pale green, purple, and occasional red, and the scent of exotic roses permeating the air painted a picture of a genuinely enchanting land.


As he went on an exploration spree, he realised Aurora was a land of sleeping beauties who dwelled among the roses in their land. The inhabitants were ruled by their ruler, Rose. He noticed that the inhabitants of this land lived in harmony with nature. They had the fantastic quality of blending seamlessly into the system and atmosphere. They were hospitable, sweet and eager to show tourists their culture and customs.


But in the land of the Auroras, trouble loomed over the horizon. An evil, ruthless demon king threatened to disrupt the peace of this land, which could disrupt Earth's communication systems. Ashley decided to lend a helping hand.


He marshalled the forces of Aurora, built a team, guided them, and soon banished the forces of evil who were out to destroy it. With his expert stewardship and leadership, Aurora restored its former glory. The people of Aurora were grateful to Ashley for helping them in their time of need. Their leader, Rose, personally asked Ashley to be their leader and rule beside her. They urged him to stay back, but Ashley had to go, so he bid them farewell, wished them well and thanked them for their hospitality. He stepped back into the large and imposing doorway and soon returned to his home with the people he loved, filled with a sense of accomplishment and wonder. 




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