REGGIE: “James, you have always been the blue-eyed boy of everyone, but you have severely crossed the line this time.”


JAMES: “Oh, Come on, Reggie, relax! I am just having some harmless fun. “


REGGIE: “Harmless? Do you call stealing the affection of my girl harmless? That girl is worth a fortune to me.”


JAMES: “Relax, Reggie. I am not flirting with your girl—I never have—she is just curious. I’ll pay you back every dime you have spent on me at this party. But you can’t go around and point a gun at me like you own the place.”


REGGIE: “That may be so, James. But I won’t hesitate to use this gun if you don’t make things right between me and my girl.”


JAMES: “Fine, Reggie. Let’s not do something that we will regret. For the last time, let me make myself clear. I was never into your girl, nor was I wooing her. Like I told you, she is just curious. How am I to blame for what your girl thinks? She has an independent mind, after all. I have always kept my distance when I knew she was going out with you. And for the record, let me tell you, I never make a pass at my friend’s girlfriends, sisters or mothers. I am no psychopath,

even when you are trying to paint me to be one.”


REGGIE: “That better be true because you know, James, I have spent a fortune on her just so that she would be mine. And you know what, James? Money buys special privileges, and I won’t hesitate to use my money against you if what you say is not true.”


JAMES: “Reggie, I know you have the money, and you can flaunt it however you want. But you should realise that money can’t buy all things, especially friendships. So long, pal, and all the best with your girl. I already have the affection of the people who deserve me. I don’t need to scatter my emotions everywhere.” 


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