From my third-floor apartment, I immerse myself in a symphony of sensations. The sunlight forces its way through the window facing my desk, casting a warm golden hue across the room. The bright lights of my table lamp further added to the cheerful ambience. And the dim, coloured light that burns all night adds to the golden hue already in the room. The shadows of the objects in the room dance lazily on the walls. The potted plants on the balcony dazzle in the bright sunlight, creating a soothing and hypnotic atmosphere. The light is gentle, neither harsh nor dim, just enough to make a cosy writing space.


The smell of freshly brewed tea on the pot mingles with the aroma of the burning incense sticks, which are burnt during morning, afternoon and evening prayers. The earthy smell of books on the tables and shelves gives an old-world feel. The smell of food cooking in the kitchen evokes a sense of satiety. The floral aroma of the tulsi and other potted plants on the balcony is a comforting blend of calm and contentment. Occasionally, the breeze carries the scent of what’s cooking in the neighbour's kitchen.


I hear the overhead fan's rhythm and the air conditioners' dull sound. I can also hear the hum and the business of the city below: sounds of traffic, the murmur of voices, children playing, the occasional honk of a car, dogs barking, and birds chirping. The sound of the garbage truck below going about its business disturbs the calm morning atmosphere. Closer, the gentle rustle of the pages turning as I flip through a book adds to the quiet, serene atmosphere. Sometimes, the idiot box playing in the living room shatters this peaceful atmosphere.


Touching the plush chair beneath me, I can feel its soft, velvety texture against my skin. The cemented floor is cool and smooth under my bare feet, keeping me grounded in the space. After a cold shower, my body feels relaxed. I sink comfortably into the cushions and soft pillows, the day's stress-melting.


A slightly warm, sweet taste lingers in my mouth, remnants of the freshly cut icy watermelons I had nibbled on earlier. It contrasts pleasantly with the rich, tasteless green tea, creating a delightful balance.


On the outside, the overall ambience is tranquil and a perfect retreat from the bustle of the world outside. I wish it were true, for lately, the peace has been disrupted by the constant interference in my private affairs, endless chatter from the curious neighbours trying to pry, the blaring horns of the traffic, and the incessant barking of the neighbourhood’s dogs and the elephants in the room. These external chaotic forces have encroached on my sanctuary, disrupting my comfort and peace.


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