Trevor had always been a God-fearing man of faith, praying sincerely to God every day, though he did not make a show of it. He never expected that his prayers would soon be answered so palpably. One fine morning, as he sipped his green tea, there was a knock on the front door.


“Now, who is it?” Trevor muttered, putting down his mug. He opened his front door to find a UPS delivery man holding a large, alluringly wrapped package.


“I have a package for Trevor,” the delivery man said, beaming widely.


“Yeah, that’s me, “Trevor replied, puzzled. “I didn’t order anything.”


“Sign here, “the delivery man instructed, handing over a chit of paper. Trevor signed, and the delivery man wished him a good day before turning away. As he walked away, Trevor could have sworn that he saw a halo around his head and a pair of wings beneath the man’s bright orange jacket.


Closing the door behind him, Trevor carried the package to his living room, his mouth dry and heart pounding with curiosity and anticipation. He clumsily unwrapped the box, revealing an array of items that radiated with an otherworldly light. Each item was labelled wisdom, forgiveness, humility, compassion, grace, love, resistance to temptation, endurance, ability to deal with enemies, justice, healing, and comfort.


“Is this for real, or am I dreaming?” Trevor whispered, his voice trembling as he pinched himself to make sure. He randomly picked up one item labelled “wisdom” and felt a sudden, crystal-clear clarity over him.


As the days passed, the contents of the package began to slowly transform Trevor’s life. At work, he found himself more capable and able to make decisions with greater clarity and wisdom. He forgave all those who had wronged him severely in the past, letting go of all the bitterness and feelings of revenge. He left their fate to God, who, in all his wisdom, would deal appropriately with them. His down-to-earth, humble nature, filled with humility, endeared him to many. He noticed people responding to him with tremendous respect and reverence.


One evening, Trevor sat with Maria, one of his colleagues and one of his earliest well-wishers, who was now on the verge of retirement, sharing the unbelievable story.


“You won't believe what happened to me, “Trevor began, leaning forward excitedly.


“Try me”, Maria replied, fascinated.


Trevor narrated how the arrival of the package and each item in it had tremendously impacted his life. Maria listened in awe, shaking her head in disbelief.


“That’s wonderful, Trevor. I’m so happy for you. You seem to be a completely new person.”


“I feel like one, “Trevor admitted. “Every day, I wake up with a sense of purpose and feel I have a mission to fulfil. I’m experiencing a sense of fulfilment and a strange peace I never knew.”


One night, while alone in his room, away from prying eyes, Trevor knelt, tears of gratitude streaming down his face. 


“Thank you, God, “he whispered. “Thank you for carrying me through the storm, never forsaking or deserting me, and answering all my prayers miraculously.”


Months passed, and Trevor’s life continued to flourish. He became a beacon of hope and kindness in his community, inspiring others with his example and story. People would ask him what was behind his transformation. He would smile and say, “A gift from God that I received simply changed my life.”


He shared his journey with his listeners while broadcasting over the national radio.


“Never underestimate the power of faith and sincere prayer”, he said, his voice full of conviction. “God works for us in mysterious ways. Keep praying and believing in the magic God has in store for you.”


The people who tuned in that day to his broadcast called the radio station and narrated how his story had touched their hearts. Some even sent emails and wrote to the station. He felt a deep sense of fulfilment as he stepped out of the studio. He had received a gift and was now sharing it with the world.


And up there somewhere in the skies, an angel in an orange jacket smiled, knowing that Trevor’s prayers and unwavering faith had not only changed his life but had the potential and power to touch the lives of countless others.


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