From the moment the old grizzly chimp set his eyes on Cosmos and his family, he saw easy prey. Cosmos, with a generous heart and inexhaustible patience, was the ripe character for exploitation. After doing a recce on Cosmos, his family and his house earlier, the grizzly chimp, the ring leader of the unruly five, moved to trap Cosmos, this time with his entire gang of chimp family. They pounced on the opportunity to abuse their way into the young boy’s life. Little did Cosmos know he was about to be a pawn in the deadly, deceitful game of chimps’ manipulation and fraud.


“This kid is our hen that gives the golden eggs”, the old grizzly chimp whispered to his cohorts, a wicked, sadistic gleam in his eyes. “We can help ourselves to whatever we want, and he’ll just keep giving.”


Cosmos’ house, once an abode of peace and tranquillity, became a madhouse of chaos. The chimps, led by their highly cunning leader, took advantage of every ounce of Cosmos’s kindness. They gave him headaches, cramps, and sore muscles, wrecked his possessions, interrupted his net connections, hacked his phone, demanded constant attention, hurled endless abuses, and stretched his resources to the breaking point.


“Cosmos, are you blind to how they are behaving and treating you?’, his puzzled sister, living abroad, pleaded one day, watching as the chimps bashed his legs, giving him a severe limp.


“They need help,” Cosmos replied, his voice steady but exhausted. “I don’t know why God placed them on my path, but I’m offering them all the help I can.”


The old grizzly chimp, who eavesdropped on his every conversation, smirked at this. “He has a soft heart, the fool”, he thought. “We’ll bleed him dry and suck the life out of him.”


Behind Cosmos’s back, the grizzly old chimp plotted and schemed. He used Cosmos’ contacts to infiltrate high society, presenting himself as an oppressed victim, but outwardly sophisticated and polished, with excellent technical prowess, that fooled many, giving him access to circles that would have been impenetrable.


“Just a little bit longer, guys”, he would mutter to the other chimps. “We take his money, resources, inheritance, everything. Then we set up our base. And when we strip him dry, and he has nothing left, we move on.”


The chimp’s manipulation knew no limits. He handled internal strife among the chimps by making Cosmos the scapegoat, always ensuring Cosmos paid the price. If there was any trouble within the group, the blame was pinned on the boy, painting him to be the crux of all their problems.


One night, as Cosmos sat alone in his study, exhausted from another day of dealing with the chimp’s antics, he overheard a conversation that would change many things.


“Cosmos is too good to be true; he doesn’t know what’s good for him”, the old grizzly chimp chuckled. “He thinks he is doing good karma by tolerating and showing kindness to us. But we are here to exploit him, serve our ends, and take all we can.”


Cosmos’ heart sank at their treachery and betrayal. He decided it was time to take some action. The following day, he called their bluff.


“Enough,” Cosmos declared, his voice firm. “You’ve taken advantage of my kindness for far too long. This ends now.”


The grizzly chimp, taken aback by the sudden change in Cosmos, tried to make him feel guilty and tried to blackmail him.” Come on, kid, we are here for your own good. Smoke some cigarettes, drink some wine, worry yourself to death, for all we care” he said with cunningness dripping from his eyes and voice.


“That isn’t for you to judge”, Cosmos shot back. “This is my life, my family, my home. And you will not destroy everything I’ve built.”


From that day forward, Cosmos set clear boundaries. The chimps, especially the old grizzly one, learned that Cosmos’ kindness was not to be mistaken for his weakness. The young boys' resilience and new-found assertiveness left the chimps with no choice but to play ball and respect the limits set for them.


In the end, while the old grizzly chimp and his followers initially saw Cosmos as easy prey, they were forced to recognise the strength and tenacity hidden beneath his kindness. Once in the dark about the turmoil in Cosmos’ home, the world now saw him as an outstanding example of resilience and compassion.


As the grizzly old chimp mused over his failed scheme, he couldn’t help but grudgingly look up to Cosmos. “Maybe he wasn’t as easy a prey as I thought”, he muttered, a hint of respect and awe in his voice. “The boy’s got the balls, I’ll give him that”.


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