Empire Beauty School has always been a place where dreams are realised, where fairies spin magic with their eyelashes, hairstyles, and makeup palettes, promising amazing transformations. But dark shadows can creep in unexpectedly, even in a wondrous and glamorous place.


Kaida, the school’s first dragon student, brought excitement and novelty to the halls. Her initial days were a blur of excitement, awe and amazement as she found her way alongside her fairy classmates; however, soon, beneath that calm exterior, simmered emotions that she could not put a lid on.


One afternoon, during a particularly taxing and stressful session, Kaida’s frustration boiled over into rage and jealousy. She let loose a torrent of blazing flames all around her. The classroom erupted into chaos as everyone tried to run for safety. In the ensuing melee, Raymond, the only male model in the school, was caught in the inferno.


“Raymond, take cover, save yourself, get out of the way!” a young fairy shrieked, but it was too late. Raymond clutched his abdomen, collapsing as the flames engulfed him and licked through his wounds.


A few hours later, in the peaceful confines of Mr. Marc Robinson’s office room, the gravity of the situation they had witnessed hit them. Mr Robinson, who was always as cool as a cucumber, was visibly shaken and distraught. Kaida sat in front of his desk, shamefaced and eyes downcast.


“Kaida”, Mr. Robinson began, “I made an exception in your case because I believed in something greater than myself. I believed in the power of unity and learning. I believe in your potential. God knows my intentions were honourable. But today… we have witnessed something unpardonable, and we have experienced an irreplaceable loss.”


“I’m so sorry, Mr. Robinson”,  Kaida whispered, her voice cracking. “I never meant this to happen. Raymond was like a mentor, a friend…”


Mr. Robinson sighed intensely, rubbing his forehead. “Raymond was more than just a friend. He was our brother. He was the pulse of this school. He was our guide and the very heart of this place. I don’t know whether you know this or not…but Raymond was a war hero. He was already battle-scarred; God knows he didn’t deserve this end. I don’t know how to face his mother. He inspired everyone with his example. He was loved by one and all… It’s a wound that will take a long time to heal.”


Kaida looked up, tears glistening in her eyes. “I don’t know how to make this right.”


“There are some things that can’t be made right, Kaida, “Mr Robinson said in a grief-stricken voice. “But how do we move forward from here? You have no control over your negative emotions; that is very evident. Raymond has tragically suffered the consequences. This school can’t afford another incident like this.”


The door creaked open, and a group of young fairies, sobbing and solemn, entered the office. One of them, a petite young thing, stepped forward. “Mr. Robinson, we would like Kaida to stay. We have decided that.”


“Stay?” Mr Robinson almost did a flip hearing these words.


“Yes”, the fairy continued. “Raymond wouldn’t want us to turn away someone in need. He believed in second chances, and so do we all.”


Mr. Robinson’s expression softened. “Very well, Kaida. You will remain at the Empire Beauty School, but you will be under strict observation. Your behaviour will be monitored. God knows… we cannot afford another tragedy. If there are any more signs of trouble, you will be out. Do I make myself clear? You have to make an effort to control that dark side of you, or I’ll be forced to expel you. Do you get it?”


Kaida nodded, gratitude and determination shining through her tears. “I won’t let you down, I promise.”


As the young fairies led Kaida out of the office, Mr. Robinson gazed out his window. He was filled with immense guilt and remorse, and the sheer tragedy weighed down on him. “I don’t know what Raymond did to deserve this. He was a good boy, my protégé, always smiling, helpful, bright and honest. I’ll forever regret this,” he sighed as he poured himself a drink to steady himself. “Raymond, my dear brother, I hope you will forgive me for what you had to endure. I’ll meet you on the other side.” He lay down on his chair, crestfallen and inconsolable for a long time. He knew now that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, and all eyes would be on how he would manage the Empire Beauty School, given this tragedy, and how he would handle the dragon in the future. But in this tragedy, there could be a flicker of redemption.


And so, amidst the lingering sadness and sorrow, Empire Beauty School took another cautious step forward, bound by the shared belief that even in the saddest of times, there is always scope for light to shine through.


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