An invaluable team player is an asset to any team. Teams win or lose by the contributions of their members. How teams communicate, behave, perform, and their attitude: all of these can make or break teams. How to identify a dream player or better still how to be one? Well, read on.








PUT IN THE HARD WORK: Never shirk work! Always perform what’s expected of you to the best of your abilities. Work sincerely and honestly and with good intentions. Give it all you have got. Do more than what is expected of you. Speak less, put your head down, and do more. If you do your share of hard work and always deliver more than expected you will be indispensable. There is no substitute for hard work, the faster you realize it the better.



ALWAYS STAY HUMBLE: Always remember that what goes up has to come down. So at all times stay humble. Never let success get to your head. If you are good to people on your way up they will be good to you on your way down. Humility is priceless. A humble man is always welcomed wherever he goes. And all great men with a fair degree of success in life possess this gift of humility. If you are humble, down to earth, easily approachable, and have an open-door policy you will be a remarkable team player.


NEVER COMPLAIN: We may not be dealt a fair hand in life, but  it doesn’t pay to complain. Try to work around your problems if you cannot find a solution to them. For in life whenever we encounter a problem we have two solutions: either solve it or leave it. Do not go to bed with your problems and worry unnecessarily if you can do nothing about it. Experience will teach you that whining and complaining about it unceasingly gets you nowhere. At all times try to be the solution and not the problem. Always stay positive and try to identify all your blessings in life whenever you get the urge to complain again. Try and do your best with whatever you have and do it now! Never wait for the perfect time or perfect circumstances for it will never arrive. Do whatever you can to the best of your ability now. There is no perfect time to do anything in life.


SHOW YOU CARE: It doesn’t take much to empathize with people. If you genuinely care about people you can identify with their problems, struggles difficulties and challenges. You can be a pillar of strength to somebody simply by showing that you genuinely care for them. And sometimes it is all they will ever need. Lending a sympathetic ear or a helping hand to a struggler doesn’t take much but it can be a blessing to them.


BE THAT LOYAL FRIEND YOU WISHED YOU HAD: Be that friend you wished you had. To have a good friend you have to be one first. Never squeal on your friends and never divulge their secrets told to you in good faith. Be that person you wish you had with you at all times. If you are loyal and never betray any trust reposed on you it speaks volumes about your character. If you have this quality, you will never run out of friends and well-wishers. A good friend always helps, protects, fights for you, and never works against you. So try to be one today!


So, here are some of my ways to be a valuable team player. It’s time to step forward and be an essential team player. So step up your game cheers


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