
Showing posts from June, 2024


  THE CAMPUS BULLY   Zabbas. The name still sends a chill down the spine of anyone who had the misfortune of knowing him. To those who came in late, he was just a porky, stout, white, bespectacled college senior who imagined himself to be a radio personality of great repute and cruised around town in an Opel Astra. But behind that show lay a vicious bully, a calculating tyrant, whose long reign of terror left deep scars on the unsuspecting.   “Hey, new kid on the block! Think you can hide from the Voice?” Zabbas’s voice would boom on the campus radio, dripping with scorn and malice. His broadcasts were more than just songs and entertainment; they were loaded missiles. With information and intel channelled to him by his loyal syndicate—comprising government officials, private media contacts, the press, and kids from his own college—Zabbas targeted his prey with an almost predatory and clinical precision.   His gang operated like a well-oiled machine. New students, first-year students, v


  SOME FUNNY QUESTIONS I ASKED MYSELF   What was the best surprise I ever received recently? When I thought it had all ended,  But it was the beginning of something  that I had always dreamed of frequently.   What is my favourite Louis L’Amour book? Last of the Breed, I can still hear the horses hoofs.   What is my go-to karaoke song? Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” This song can never go wrong.   What was my favourite subject in school? English was so excellent that it made us drool.   If I could listen to one song for the rest of my life What would it be? Bob Dylan’s “Blowin in the Wind “while sipping  Green tea.   Who would I choose if I could be friends with a  Fictional character? I would befriend Don Michael Corleone and learn to  Be a gentleman cavalier.   If I could listen to one song for the rest of my life What would it be? Guns and Roses “Sweet Child O Mine” by the Sea.   What is the valuable thing I have learned in my  Career? Persevere to be a leader in your sphere.   If I


  SOME SERIOUS QUESTIONS ON MY MIND   1.                    Why do good people suffer in life? 2.                    Why don’t we recognise the value of people when they are alive? 3.                    How can some people have no accountability while others are made to pay the consequences of every little mistake? 4.                    Why do we sweep uncomfortable issues under the rug instead of addressing them? 5.                    Why do the selfless, honest people of the world do the bulk of the good work while others shirk or shift responsibilities? 6. How can we call ourselves a humane society if we don’t fight for what is right and just? 7. Why does the government frame policies that do not affect the middle-class person’s life? 8. What steps are taken to ensure justice does not allude to the deserving? 9. Why are we all “wise after the incident” instead of displaying some foresight and preventing disasters in the first place? 10. Why don’t we apologise when we have created a


  MIRACULOUS PACKAGE   Trevor had always been a God-fearing man of faith, praying sincerely to God every day, though he did not make a show of it. He never expected that his prayers would soon be answered so palpably. One fine morning, as he sipped his green tea, there was a knock on the front door.   “Now, who is it?” Trevor muttered, putting down his mug. He opened his front door to find a UPS delivery man holding a large, alluringly wrapped package.   “I have a package for Trevor,” the delivery man said, beaming widely.   “Yeah, that’s me, “Trevor replied, puzzled. “I didn’t order anything.”   “Sign here, “the delivery man instructed, handing over a chit of paper. Trevor signed, and the delivery man wished him a good day before turning away. As he walked away, Trevor could have sworn that he saw a halo around his head and a pair of wings beneath the man’s bright orange jacket.   Closing the door behind him, Trevor carried the package to his living room, his mouth dry and heart pound


  WATCHING AN EURO CUP MATCH   The crowd's roar exploded from the television set, engulfing the small room with pulsating energy. The man perched on the edge of his comfortable blue couch, his eyes glued and heart pounding in sync with the swift movement of the footballers and the ever-moving ball on the enchanting screen, bringing the match to life. The team he was rooting for had just scored a spectacular bicycle kick goal, and he jumped out of his seat, punched his fists in the air, and did a little jig around the room. The attractive sparkling colours of the team’s jerseys flashed across the screen. The goalkeeper's jerseys contrasted sharply with their team's colours, adding a colourful hue to the vibrant settings. The referees and the two linesmen’s identical colours added to the colourful atmosphere. This was mingled with jubilant chants, blaring horns, beating of drums, and incantations and prayers urging the teams on. He could almost feel the stadium’s vibe under h


  HUMOROUS MISADVENTURE   Sarkar, the thin chain-smoking magician, had always been known for his bumbling tricks and disastrous performances. But nothing could have prepared him for his latest misadventure: being lost in the Sunderban forests during a storm. As he clutched his crumpled cape around him, shivering in the drizzle, he glanced down at his only two companions – a perpetually annoyed fat white rabbit named Gabbas and a deck of soggy playing cards.   “Well, Gabbas,” Sarkar sighed, “It looks like we have an entire week to savour nature's hospitality. Let’s make the most of it, shall we?”   Gabbas merely nodded and glared at Sarkar for the predicament he had found himself in.   As the storm raged on, Sarkar fumbled to light a cigarette. “Thank God for small mercies”, he muttered under his breath as he took a deep puff. He came across a hollow tree that could offer some shelter. “Home sweet home”, he announced, though Gabbas didn’t seem impressed. Gabbas was dreaming of the s


    MR. BEAN DRIVES LUXURY CAR   On a sweltering hot Monday morning, the relatively quiet streets of London were suddenly rudely awakened to life by the sight of a small luxury car weaving its way erratically through traffic. At the steering wheel was Mr. Bean, a thin, comical character with protruding ears that wagged slightly in the wind. His attire was odd: an impeccably pressed kurta pyjama hugging his thin, slender frame, topped off with traditional sandals that adorned his feet.   Inside the car, a pungent smell of cigarette smoke filled the air. Mr. Bean puffed furiously as if his life depended on it, a haze of smoke twirling around his head like a berserk halo. Between deep drags of the cigarette, he took generous swigs of Grey Goose vodka from a flask hidden in the glove compartment, each gulp causing a further shaking in his deadly hazardous driving. “This is my energy stick”, he muttered as he took another long puff of his cigarette.   “Ah, another gorgeous day for driving”,


  MIXED EMOTIONS OF AN ORPHAN BOY   James sat at the edge of his seat at a rooftop cafĂ©, watching the endless traffic rush by with a whirlwind sound. The sun was about to set, casting a golden hue over the landscape, making the surroundings glow with a warmth that James could feel deep in his chest. He opened his wallet and took out a worn-out photograph of his parents. Their faces now almost seemed surreal.   Suffering was a constant, familiar companion, like a shadow that never left his side. He missed his parents with an ache that was still raw and sharp. The emptiness and a deep sense of loss welling inside him left a huge void that seemed impossible to fill. A drop of tear fell from his eyes and onto the photograph. He missed their laughter and hugs and how they made him feel wanted, safe, loved, and secure.   But amidst the sorrow, there was something else, a strange warm feeling, that he could not fathom or put a finger on. It was gratitude. Despite his tragic loss, James felt t


  RIA’S REGRETFUL MONOLOGUE   (SETTING: A messy kitchen, the dim light of a single bulb casting long shadows, Ria perched on a kitchen stool, her eyes fixed on the kettle's steam swirling from the stove. The kitchen is enveloped in a profound stillness, broken only by the faint whistles of the kettle. Ria's voice, a whisper of regret and longing, fills the void.)   RIA (sighs deeply): God knows how many donkey’s years I have wasted sitting here in this fucking kitchen. Always watching, waiting, plotting…(pauses) Anthony. The fucking name itself gives me the chills and the stings. The fucking monarch. I thought I could bring him down, expose him as a fraud, and show him in a bad light so that I would rise in his place. But what have I gained? There is nothing but bad karma for my evil deeds and the bitter taste of my envy and bad medicine.   (leans down on the counter, playing with her hands)   RIA: I was so close to fucking stardom and greatness. I was beside him, privy to all


  AKASHVANI FM GOLD   We broadcast on FM Gold 100.1megahertz frequency For those dedicated listeners who are tuned to us frequently     We transmit a variety of shows and programmes Our Spotlight and Current Affairs programmes  Help those students prepare for their civil services exams   Our music presenters present shows with Elan Young and old music lovers tune in all seasons Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Pop, we have them all With our amazing hosts Whose shows run from coast to coast   The microphone is the tool of the broadcaster  As it is of any podcaster   The News Reporter gives a comprehensive ground report That makes sure our listeners are never bored   Our Sports Commentators and Presenters bring to you  Detail of every sport Of every goal, run, or point ever scored   Our Newscasters roar on prime-time radio From the happening News Studios   Our social media team keeps us relevant They ensure that in today’s day and age We never turn irrelevant   Interviews and Live Discuss


  JOSHUA’S CASUAL STATEMENT   As Joshua enters a room, he exudes a relaxed, laid-back confidence and looks. He prefers to wear loose-fitted, casual, checkered outfits that perfectly personify his relaxed style. His favourite brands, which he picks up randomly during his shopping jaunts, are in full view. Today, he’s chosen a soft, oversized, dark checkered shirt in muted earth tones paired with a well-worn, relaxed fit Levi jeans that sit comfortably on his hips. His plain white Adidas sneakers, stylish yet comfortable, complete the look, and a simple, practical, sturdy steel watch adorns his wrist.   Despite the envious jabs from friends and coworkers about his admirable wardrobe, Joshua remains unruffled. They joke about him looting a departmental store or receiving gifts from wealthy siblings living abroad. Some even tease that his simple wife must be dressing him, unable to believe he could be such a style connoisseur. Joshua’s collection is a testament to his self-sufficiency and


  GLOBAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR ANTONIO’S EFFORTS   Antonio stood on the brink of an audacious endeavour: establishing a world governing body capable of addressing global tensions and conflicts and maintaining peace. His tumultuous journey was fraught with great personal danger, peril, and opposition, yet his resilience and determination never faltered.   EXPOSING CHINA’S NEFARIOUS DESIGNS:   Antonio’s first step was to expose the covert operations. He presented irrefutable evidence of espionage, aggressive territorial expansion, infiltration, and economic and psychological bullying tactics. Antonio’s comprehensive accounts brought to the fore China’s ambitions and the dangers they pose to international stability, which gained traction with world leaders.   COUNTERING RUSSIAN AGGRESSION:   At the same time, Antonio took a firm stand against Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine. He documented the invasion painstakingly, highlighting the stark reality of Ukrainian soldiers’ struggle,


  THE NEW YORK TIMES HEADLINES   1.      Global Tensions Escalate Over Lunar Supremacy: Iran, Pakistan, and Gulf States Challenge Western Claims     2.      Airspace Dominance Discourse: China and Russia Face Off Against US and Allies, Posing a Significant Threat to Global Security   3.      Space Race Heats: China and Allies Assert Ownership Over Planets Amid Global Condemnation   4.      Ukraine Conflict: Russia’s Aggression Sparks International Outcry   5.      Israeli- Palestine Conflict Reaches Boiling Point: Renewed Violence in Gaza   6.      Kashmir On the Brink: Pakistan and India Resume Hostilities   7.      Border Tensions Rise: China Accused of Aggression and Infiltration into Indian Territory   8.      Tibet in Turmoil: China Reinforces Control Over Dalai Lama and Region   9.      Russia and North Korea Forge Defence Alliance: A New Axis of Power?           10. Corporate Giants in Turf War: The Battle for Earth’s Resources           Intensifies