
Showing posts from May, 2024


  HAPPY HARRY AT CONNAUGHT PLACE   Harry strolled through the bustling inner circle of Connaught Place, New Delhi, with a huge smile plastered on his face and whistling the tune of his favourite song. The vibrant, energetic atmosphere of Connaught Place was infectious, and he could feel the joy of this throbbing place. He was captivated by the majestic colonial-era architecture, with its grand arches and intricate detailing, and he slowly waded in and became a part of the hustle and bustle of this wondrous place.   The symphony of sounds, especially strains of the song “Ma Tujhe Salaam” and the famous old Bollywood track “Chura Liya Hai Tumne Jo Dil Ko”, playing over loudspeakers all over the market, added a spring to his step. Hearing the rhythmic chants of “Hare Krishna Hare Rama’ with the accompaniment of musical instruments by the followers of this movement made Harry break into an impromptu jig. He swayed to the beats of “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” with gay abandon and casting away a


  ANGRY PETER AT CHAOTIC CP   Peter navigated through the chaotic sea of bodies and bustling activity in the inner circle of Connaught Place, the heart of New Delhi, India. The tantalising scent of street foods, the golgappas and tikiwalas on the pavements, only served to mock his foul mood. The oppressive heat, a relentless companion, seemed to conspire with the crowd to fuel his growing rage. His temper flared as a group of giggling teenagers, oblivious to his presence, rudely jostled past him, their antics for Instagram reels a stark contrast to his simmering anger. He strained to drown out the blaring music from the popular café, its upbeat tempo a cruel reminder of his troubled state.   The tattoo artists trying to entice customers and the group of four ladies trying to collect money from passersby by pinning a small national flag on them further aggravated his dampened mood. He found no novelty in seeing the rush of tourists snapping photos of the colonial-era buildings and archi


  THE INTERVIEW   Liam arrived at the Irish Times office at 10 AM sharp. He was there in response to an advertisement for a “leprechaun collector,” a job description that had intrigued, excited and puzzled him.   He was ushered into a large conference room with a vast oval mahogany table and several chairs surrounding it. The room walls were filled with drawings and general information about the rich Irish folklore. On the walls, there were some depictions of leprechauns, too. A distinguished-looking man with a grey French beard sat at one end of the mahogany table. “Good morning, Maeve Boyle, Head of Internal Mythical Legends. Have a seat.”   LIAM: “Thank you, Sir”.   MR. MAEVE BOYLE: “Well, Liam, your resume suggests you attended a prestigious Irish Catholic Missionary School. So, I’m sure you must know about Irish culture, its folklore, and especially leprechauns. So, first of all, tell me, what do you understand about leprechauns that made you apply for this job?”   LIAM: “Well, Si


  ORANGE BALLOON DREAMS   The balloon spurted high in the sky, its bright orange colour standing starkly against the clear blue sky. Below, Shawn held his horse, Mustang, and the sweet scent of vanilla drifted from the nearby bakery. Shawn’s mind was yearning for progress, yet he felt the heavy chains and shackles of a toxic environment and the stifling group of people that held him back.   Shawn’s locality was congested, noisy and crowded, the kind that quietly disappeared from sight and into the background when the tourist buses and vehicles made the rounds of the city. Today's weather was sultry, and the shimmering heat was unbearable, but the breeze carried the aroma of freshly baked confectionaries and pastries. Yet despite it all, Shawn felt trapped. And today, as he watched the orange balloon rise higher and higher, it symbolised a freedom he longed for but could not attain.   Every day, Shawn woke up to the same routine with a slight variation here and there. He worked reli


  THE VARIED SENSES IN APARTMENT   From my third-floor apartment, I immerse myself in a symphony of sensations. The sunlight forces its way through the window facing my desk, casting a warm golden hue across the room. The bright lights of my table lamp further added to the cheerful ambience. And the dim, coloured light that burns all night adds to the golden hue already in the room. The shadows of the objects in the room dance lazily on the walls. The potted plants on the balcony dazzle in the bright sunlight, creating a soothing and hypnotic atmosphere. The light is gentle, neither harsh nor dim, just enough to make a cosy writing space.   The smell of freshly brewed tea on the pot mingles with the aroma of the burning incense sticks, which are burnt during morning, afternoon and evening prayers. The earthy smell of books on the tables and shelves gives an old-world feel. The smell of food cooking in the kitchen evokes a sense of satiety. The floral aroma of the tulsi and other potted


  THE TRAGIC FALL OF TOM   Tom was perplexed by what was happening in his apartment. Once quiet, serene, and comfortable, it was now a tangled mass of dark green vines. They were all over the walls, covering the roofs, spreading threateningly into the balcony, and crept into his neighbours' houses. He grabbed his pruning shears, but each snip caused the vines to grow thicker and more robust.   Tom was filled with thoughts of the love of his life, Rachel. He was gripped with fear and recalled his last conversation with his lady love. In that conversation, he had confessed his love for her, but little did he know that she was under the control of a wicked witch, Sabrina. Rachel was whisked away by her soon after, and the curse fell upon him as a punishment.   Pushed against the wall, Tom sought out a wise elder in his village, Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown had immense knowledge of the ancient world and life in general. After hearing his story, Mr. Brown asked Tom, “What made you confess your


  LOVE AMIDST CULTURAL DIFFERENCES   The noisy café right in the city's heart was a familiar destination for Sean and Lisa, but this evening, it was filled with unspoken tension. Soft music was playing in the background. They sat facing each other, their food growing cold and their drinks left untouched. The air was heavy with frustration and strain, and Sean aimlessly fidgeted with his fingers.   “I just don’t understand what’s with your parents and why it should concern them so much?” Sean blurted out his voice, which was filled with frustration. “You know Lisa, the school I attended is from your world. And they adopted me as a kid when my parents passed. Everything I am today is because of them. I have spent my childhood in a place that is very much a part of your world, and I don’t consider myself otherwise. Don’t your parents want to see us happy? We have been together for ages, as far back as I can remember. And I can’t believe your parents are still judging the pros and cons


  A QUIET SCENE AT PALOLEM BEACH   As the sun dipped at Palolem Beach in Goa and turned a crimson red, Sean and Lisa sat close to each other, holding hands. They were engrossed in each other, oblivious to others. They swapped stories about their childhood.   Coming from a tumultuous background, Sean was captivated by Lisa's privileged upbringing. The stark contrast between their lives deepened his admiration for her, making him feel they had been connected for a lifetime.   Meanwhile, Lisa couldn’t help but marvel at Sean’s resilience and tenacity in battling the world alone. He had lost his parents at an early age, so he had to fight for every little thing in his life, but this did not make him insensitive. On the contrary, he was a very considerate and loving one.   Despite the envy from onlookers, Lisa was more concerned about the societal barriers threatening their relationship. She knew their bond was strong, but the world did not always accept their differences.   She knew so


  SILENT THOUGHTS OF JAMES   James, a junior-level executive at Sunshine Industries, exuded quiet confidence as he sat in the boardroom meeting conducted by Mr. Eobard Thawne. His presence, though unobtrusive, was a testament to his competence, a fact that Thawne only acknowledged when he specifically signalled him out for a few comments here and there.   JAMES: “Something cold and calculating about this man, Thawne, sends shivers down my spine.”   His words are silky smooth, but James knew there was darkness lurking underneath that smooth talk. Having been at the receiving end of Thawne’s actions all these years, particularly his ruthless decision-making and disregard for the well-being of his subordinates, James realised that he had turned out to be his nemesis and the primary reason for all the suffering and unhappiness in his life. As Thawne commanded the room, he could see the calculating glint in his eyes. As Thawne continued speaking, James saw through the show he put on for the


  SUNSHINE INDUSTRIES   Mr Eobard Thawne, a man of commanding presence and the CEO of Sunshine Industries, sat in his opulent cabin. His assistants, ever at his beck and call, filled the room with a sense of bustling efficiency. The room was adorned with the finest furnishings, a testament to his power and success. He reclined in a plush chair behind a gleaming mahogany desk, preparing to call a meeting of the company's members. A few chauffeured state-of-the-art cars stood outside his cabin to drive him anywhere, any time of the day.   THAWNE: “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your exceptional hard work this season. I want to thank those silent workers in this industry who silently contribute to its growth without much reward or fanfare. Let me tell you that I am forever indebted to that worker for his selfless efforts and sacrifices for the greater good of this industry. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. James, I was admiring your input today.”   (Thawne’s thought


  THE ENIGMATIC ADVENTURE   Ashley was spring cleaning his attic for the upcoming festive season when he came across an ancient world map. Ashley was curious, so he took out his microscope and carefully examined the map for fun. Something strange caught his eye: a country that defied logical explanations. The map shows that the place was bang in the middle of Ladakh and the capital of India, New Delhi. At first glance, it was not visible to the naked eye, but it became visible only under the scrutiny of the microscope. The name of this place on the map was “Aurora”. Ashley was filled with curiosity that only intensified with each passing day.   Ashley, unable to shake off the allure of this mysterious place, resolved to uncover Aurora's secrets. He delved into research, consulted books, scoured the Internet, and unearthed old texts and scrolls. Finally, his efforts paid off. He deciphered the coordinates on the map, entered them into his laptop, and in an instant, a grand doorway m


  THE MYSTERIOUS COIN   In the big cosmopolitan city, Albert one day came across an ancient coin with the image of Julius Caesar on one side and the flag of the Roman Empire on the other. His curiosity aroused, and he rushed to the coin shop in the city's heart to learn more.   As he entered the dimly lit store, Albert was filled with nostalgia. He remembered his English teacher enacting the play Julius Caesar in his school. He distinctly remembers the play in which jealous conspirators convinced Caesar’s best friend Brutus to plot against him and eventually assassinate him. Brutus and the conspirators kill Caesar on the ides of March. He also remembered the valiant Mark Antony, who drove the conspirators out of Rome and fought them in battle.   The coin shop owner brought him back to the present by refusing even to touch the coin. The owner suddenly became aggressive and started using cuss words to shoo him away. He also released a veiled threat warning him to leave the coin alone


  JOSHUA’S FIGHT FOR   THE RIGHT TO BREATHE   In the heart of the metropolitan city, Joshua dwelled amidst a chaotic atmosphere and a haze of air, water, and noise pollution. The water flowing from this city's pipes was contaminated and not fit for consumption. The unceasing honking of cars and other vehicles contributed to the deafening noise pollution. Breathing was challenging, as the air was filled with pollutants that damaged the lungs. But Joshua did not sit back and let this deter him. As he saw the suffering around him, he took it upon himself to do something about it.   Every day, he silently witnessed the community's suffering, their wearied souls fatigued and reeling under the burden of shame and worry. Children fell sick, the elderly were in precarious condition, and the flora, fauna, and even the city's animals struggled to find some semblance of clean, clear air.   Joshua decided to go about it systematically. He decided to find out the source of the chaos in


  LEAVES OF GRASS   In “Leaves of Grass,” I am a container of endless verse throbbing with the rhythm of life, reflecting Walt Whitman’s philosophy of life. Within my pages are the outpourings of Walt Whitman’s soul, each word a testament to the magic and depth of this great poet himself. Yes, the man needs no introduction: he is the great American poet, journalist, and essayist. He is the Father of the Free Verse. I house his scribblings for anyone interested in immersing themselves in a world of exquisite poetry.   'Leaves of Grass' is a gateway to Whitman's world, inviting readers to lose themselves in my pages. It is a collection of some of the most refined verses, each a testament to the poet's imaginative prowess. I give a glimpse into the personality of Walt Whitman and the thoughts and influences that shaped his beliefs and world.   But my relationship with the shelf where I am kept is very turbulent. I am imprisoned here and long to be set free, held, to be rea


  ANNE, THE ORPHAN WHO WILL BE THE QUEEN   In the village square, a character is the centre of attention wherever she goes. Meet Anne, the orphan who, against all odds, is destined to be Queen. With her hundred-watt smile and infectious energy, she always manages to be the cynosure of all eyes.   Highly sociable and extroverted, Anne thrives in the company of others. She can effortlessly strike up conversations, leaving behind a trail of followers and fans. Her bubbly nature and forthright personality are a hit with commoners and the nobility.   But her frivolous and cheerful exterior masks an extremely hardworking girl who learned to be independent and fend for herself from a very young age. She did many odd jobs to support her education and paid her way through college. Her dynamic personality won her the respect and admiration of her superiors and juniors.   Anne has an extraordinary gift of gab and is an expert at verbal gymnastics. She is a natural-born leader, and there is a rumo


  THE ORPHAN QUEEN   A hawk flies over a village, prophesying, “The orphan shall be queen!”. The hawk’s prophesy comes like a bolt from the blue, sending everyone in a flurry of activity throughout the court. The courtesans, supervisors, nobles, and ministers go into a tizzy debating the pros and cons of the prophecy. They see it as an impending threat to their fiefdom and unlimited access to power, while others view it as a perfect opportunity to be in the good books of the future queen. The current reigning King and Queen retreat to their private chamber and go into a huddle and scheme on how to turn this to their advantage. Meanwhile, in a  small corner of the village,  a young orphan girl named Anne is about to embark on a journey that will change her life forever.    Gossip spreads like wildfire in all the villages of the kingdom. Some are ecstatic as they foresee a glorious future under the rule of the kind orphan queen, while others fear anarchy and instability. The village at t


  THE TIFF   REGGIE: “James, you have always been the blue-eyed boy of everyone, but you have severely crossed the line this time.”   JAMES: “Oh, Come on, Reggie, relax! I am just having some harmless fun. “   REGGIE: “Harmless? Do you call stealing the affection of my girl harmless? That girl is worth a fortune to me.”   JAMES: “Relax, Reggie. I am not flirting with your girl—I never have—she is just curious. I’ll pay you back every dime you have spent on me at this party. But you can’t go around and point a gun at me like you own the place.”   REGGIE: “That may be so, James. But I won’t hesitate to use this gun if you don’t make things right between me and my girl.”   JAMES: “Fine, Reggie. Let’s not do something that we will regret. For the last time, let me make myself clear. I was never into your girl, nor was I wooing her. Like I told you, she is just curious. How am I to blame for what your girl thinks? She has an independent mind, after all. I have always kept my distance when I


  THE STUCK ELEVATOR   Right in the heart of the bustling city of New Delhi, the elevator of a high-rise old building came to a sudden grinding halt, trapping its twelve occupants in a choking hold. Among them were five family members: a small young family of three, an elderly couple and two young ladies, each with their share of stories and secrets.   As time slowly trickled on, tensions rose as the temperature soared in the scorching summer month of May. Emboldened by fear and frustration, the family of five began to take out their anger on others. They turned their ire towards the head of the young family, a decent young man, singling him out for their collective animosity and hatred.   It started with sly mocks and jabs and pointed remarks. It soon descended into insults, threats and physical violence, all under the guise of frustration. As the clock slowly ticked away, the torment intensified, encouraged by the anonymity of their shared confinement.   The gang of five mocked the y