
Showing posts from April, 2024


  THE NIGHTMARE OF THE FOGGY STORM DRAIN   Three days earlier, Antonio had come across an old journal in his attic that spoke of doing good deeds and helping people. He had spent many hours pouring over its weathered pages, trying to imbibe some of the goodness inscribed in it. The journal, written by a sage and kept by his family for ages, spoke of living a virtuous life spent helping others. It also spoke of educating those unable to get any education independently.   But he had also noticed that in between the journal, someone had tucked some mysterious pages that spoke of dark rituals and scary secrets of something sinister lurking in the shadows. Antonio also noticed that in the journal, his father had marked some warnings in bold letters in his meticulous handwriting. The warnings spoke of exercising caution while dealing with shady, dark characters and staying away from them. Antonio had thought nothing about it then and dismissed it as mere legend. But never in his wildest drea


  THE FOGGY DRAIN   At dusk, Antonio was dropped off at the main road by his office cab. He had a long, tiring day at work, so he hurried home. He had to cover a stretch of one kilometre on foot to reach his apartment from his dropping point at the main road. At that hour, he found the streets full of open maintenance holes, which probably indicated some construction activities. As he walked alone, he approached a storm drain. A thick black fog was billowing out of it, and it seemed dark and dreary. His curiosity aroused, Antonio stepped closer to the storm drain, illuminated by dusk's light at that unearthly hour.   A robust and nauseating smell hit his nostrils. He noticed it emanating from the fog, leaving him gasping for breath. It had a strange, acidic smell, the unbearable stench. Throwing caution to the wind, he leaned forward. Suddenly, a pair of stone-cold hands grabbed his ankles, sending a chill down his body. He started shivering in fright at the touch of the icy, cold


  THE FRUSTRATING DIALOGUE   BENJAMIN (angrily): “This is outrageous! Everything’s falling apart. I can’t believe this garbage!”.   MARY (trying to soothe): “Shh, take a deep breath, inhale, calm down. There must be some logical explanation. Let’s think rationally and not jump to any conclusions.”   BENJAMIN: “Rational? My Wi-Fi connection is not working, and neither is my phone's mobile data. I don’t know how to complete my pending work. It is a disaster.”   MARY: “Now, don’t blow your top, Benji. We’ll figure it out. Perhaps it might work if we close the systems and try again.”   Benjamin: “Restart! Are you for real, Mary? Even my radio, which operates on the battery, is not working. This is beyond frustrating!”   MARY: “Now, don’t get so worked up, Benji. Let’s think this through with a calm head. Maybe a manual check can throw some light on the problem.”   BENJAMIN: “Worked up? I’m going bonkers here. Nothing is working. My gadgets seem to have a life of their own. They seemed


  THE VOODOO TRAP   A strong breeze scattered papers in the air in the crowded, dimly lit alleyways of Paharganj market. Among them was a yellowed parchment with strange symbols and incantations written on it.   His curiosity piqued, and Mark picked up the parchment. As his fingers brushed its surface, a tingling sensation coursed through his body. Unfolding it, he was met with a list of enigmatic spells, their untold powers shrouded in mystery.   His eyes popped out of their sockets as he read, “Vermilion, chicken head, lemon, chillies, voodoo dolls, feathers, among other items.” His eyes rolled when he read the word “Voodoo dolls”. This was not something to be trifled over. This was deadly dark magic; whoever had written this list was a practitioner.  Suddenly, Mark felt like some dark forces had controlled him. The darkness had infiltrated his mind, and his whole body was wrecked in pain as he felt as if pins had pricked him.   Undeterred by the pain and discomfort, Mark was resolut


  THE VAGARIES OF WEATHER   I could hear the sound of thunder and lightning outside while the rain pelted down hard, making a splashing sound as it beat down on the roof of my apartment. The raindrops also made a "platter platter" sound as they hit my window panes. It wasn't just raining but also frosty, with the icy breeze sending a chill down my body as I tried to snuggle up for warmth. The ground outside was coated with frost, creating a blanket of white all around me. The roads, pavements, and trees were all white, and I couldn't stop my teeth from chattering in the icy, cool weather.   After a prolonged spell of rain, frost and snow that seemed to last for an eternity, there was a change.  The dark clouds suddenly gave way to the sun, which shone brightly and warmed my skin. My mood lifted, and I felt cheerful. The air was fresh and pleasant, with the melting ice making a sound like "little tiny gunshots". This expression was once used by well-known gla


  MONEY MONEY MONEY IT’S SO FUNNY   The Abba song “Money Money Money it’s so Funny in a Rich Man’s World” comes to my mind as I sit down to pen some lines about my friend Alan’s relationship with money from my observations. To begin with, Alan’s relationship with it is very complex. He uses money to lead a highly materialistic life and unapologetically enjoys all the finer things life offers. Rightly so, he deserves every bit of his success as he works extremely hard in his profession, and lady luck has been highly beneficial to him.   I observed that he is sometimes quite impulsive in his spending and splurges. Though this has sometimes led to some financial stress, due to his resourcefulness, business acumen, and brilliant money-making mind, he always manages to come out of it and make a profit in the bargain. Alan can teach financial success to any aspiring international student from any top financial college.   Alan had an extremely humble upbringing before breaking through and ach


  MY FIRST PAYCHECK   As a youngster growing up in a cosmopolitan small city, I was suddenly bitten by the urge to write something. I brainstormed on some ideas and finally zeroed in on the current fashion scenario of my fashion-conscious city. So, one fine day, in my youthful enthusiasm, I sat down on my typewriter and punched out a lengthy article on the fashion scene in my city. I wrote about how my city was the hub of the fashion world and how each new trend in the fashion world was reflected in the young, hip crowd of the town. I wrote around four total pages of content and set out to get it published.   In those days, a paper called The Meghalaya Guardian had recently started publishing in our city. I enthusiastically rushed to its office, which was near my house. Upon reaching the office, I found the paper's editor and shyly handed him my article, which I had rolled up. He read it silently on his desk without offering much comments. He accepted it but did not promise me anyt


  THE YEAR 2124   I woke with a thud; sweat dripped from my forehead, and my mouth felt dry. I glanced at my watch: it was 6 AM. But wait, my watch showed an extraordinary date.  It was revealed as April 19 th , 2124. How could this be? I distinctly remember going to bed last night on April 18 th,  2024. Could it be that I had slept for a hundred years? This thought seemed unthinkable, so I deduced that my mind was playing tricks on me. I pinched myself hard to make sure I was not dreaming. I decided to investigate. As I stepped outside, I felt a strange sensation, a shift in the air, and suddenly, I was no longer in the familiar 2024, but in a futuristic 2124.   I stepped outside my apartment building in New Delhi to investigate my surroundings. There was no hustle and bustle that I was accustomed to. There were no sounds of hawkers screaming in the streets below selling their wares. No more sounds of the elderly locality ladies bargaining with them for a good deal. There were no more


  PEN SKETCHES OF ISABELLE AND JAMES   ISABELLE:   In the vibrant kaleidoscope of urban modern life, Isabelle’s presence radiates a down-to-earth charm and attracts people without any effort on her part. In any crowded party, she effortlessly navigates through the sea of people, engaging everyone in a lively conversation. Her wit and charm are like a magnet, drawing laughter and joy from everyone around her. With an understated beauty, she is a lovely lady who can captivate hearts with her carefree nature.   She has a knack for solving problems and can navigate the twists and turns of life with great agility. She is full of ingenuity and grace. She has wide-ranging interests and can speak on many topics effortlessly. Her words paint a canvas of shared understanding and connection.   Adventurous to the hilt, she is well-educated and constantly seeks new horizons to expand her mind. But despite it all, she is fiercely loyal and can go to any extent for those she loves and holds dear. She


  ETERNAL LOVE As the sun set on a spectacular day it brought to an end the glorious chapter in the lives of James and Isabelle. In the twilight of their lives, they stood hand in hand in their terrace garden, which gave an excellent view of the city’s landscape. Overcoming the insurmountable obstacles they had encountered in their relationship: the distance, the villains who tried their level best to separate them, the overbearing relatives with their attitude of constant cynicism and disapproval, and the barriers of race, colour, cultural and glaring social status differences- they had finally done it. They had overcome it all and how.   At the terrace garden, James once more prayed the serenity prayer, which he always turned to in moments of stress and strain in their relationship. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Their faith had endured – he had triumphed, they had triumphed. He


  THE OCCULT TRYST The sun beat down on the bustling streets of sun-kissed Goa as Jeremy Dylan indulged in some shopping at Holiday Street. A sedate t-shirt with something scribbled in a mysterious language caught his eye. He immediately fished out his wallet and bought the alluring t-shirt from the roadside shop at Holiday Street.   Once back at his hotel room in South Goa, Jeremy’s thoughts turned towards the t-shirt he had bought. After a hearty fish thali meal, he opened a chilled beer and tried deciphering the words on the t-shirt. After much research that entailed many minutes on the internet, he concluded that the scribblings were in Latin. From then on, it became easy to understand the exact meaning of the words. The words spelt “Spiritual inheritor” and “Lightworker” in Latin. Intrigued, Jeremy decided to wear the T-shirt the very next day.   The next day, as he was strolling along the Calangute beach, he suddenly felt watched. A chill went down his spine as many eyes followed


  A TIMELESS YARN: MY DOUBLE-POWERED GERMAN STEEL WATCH FROM BERLIN   It just seemed like yesterday when my sister gifted me a gift that has become an inseparable part of me: a double-powered German steel watch from Berlin. It is double deal, double dial, double impact, double delight, double reliability, and double durability German ingenuity.   It was on a clear, bright spring day when my sister, knowing my penchant for punctuality, value time, and always being on time, gave me a gift-wrapped box with a mysterious smile. Inside was a meticulously crafted double-powered steel watch with the words “United Love Berlin” engraved on its back.   What set the watch apart was its double features. It gave the time accurately. It housed modern tech in an old-world charm avatar, similar to the watch sported by James Bond in his movies. It is quietly efficient and reliable, always giving the correct time.   From that day onwards, my double-powered watch was not just for timekeeping but a symbol


  RENDEZVOUS AT THE PUB INT: A NOISY PUB. SOFT MUSIC IS BLARRING IN THE BACKGROUND. JENNIFER, in her mid-30s, sits across from ERIC in his 40s. They sip their beer, engaging in polite conversation.   JENNIFER (enthusiastically) So, Eric, how’s life been treating you lately?   ERIC (with a lovely smile that seemed to conceal something) Oh, nothing out of the ordinary. Same as usual.   JENNIFER notices Eric fidgeting with his beer and salted peanuts. He seems to be weighing something in his mind. He is fidgety, has a distant look on his face, and is staring nervously at his beer. His sweet smile seems to hide some terrible pain.   JENNIFER (empathetically) Hmm, you don’t seem okay. You seem a bit tense.   ERIC (promptly) No, no, I’m doing just fine. It’s just that I have a lot on my mind.   ERIC’S voice is forced and lacking in confidence. His posture is slouched, his shoulders are hunched in tension, and his brow is creased as if hiding some great distress.   JENNIFER (softly) You can a


  THE MINDHACKER PROGRAM   An invention from the distant future, “The Mind Hacker Programme“, suddenly becomes available in the present times. When inserted in the brain, the mind hacker can read minds and is suddenly accessible. Now, this is a marvel of science if used ethically. But guess what? With all things new, it fell into the wrong hands. It was initially designed to enhance communication, improve understanding, sharing of thoughts, healing, research into the human mind and for medical purposes.   It was hailed as the next big thing when it was first invented, a wonder of modern times. Media experts and pundits orchestrating their media circus spent many hours analysing and waxing eloquently about it on national platforms. Countless hours were devoted to chest-thumping and seeking appreciation and validation.   But guess the sad reality. With some simple modification and tweaking, it soon became a tool for those with questionable intentions and integrity. It became a convenient


  EVERYTHING I DO, I DO IT FOR YOU   Once upon a time in a small village in the countryside, there lived a young man named Nathaniel. He was known for his golden voice, a gift recognized early in life by his friends and teachers. But Nathaniel was more than just a beautiful voice. He was kind-hearted, humble, and had a love for nature that was as deep as his love for music. His voice, combined with his gentle personality, had a soothing, calming effect that could melt even the frostiest of hearts.   Many miles away, a girl named Michelle lived in a bustling city. She was the daughter of an extremely wealthy family, a modern urban girl who enjoyed the luxuries of her life. But despite her wealth and status, Michelle was a down-to-earth girl who didn't believe in social hierarchies. She yearned for something more meaningful in life-a true soul mate. She longed for a connection that was deeper than the superficial relationships she often encountered in her social circles.   One day, N


  THE WISE COUNSEL In the serene, quiet confines of his study, Brother sat with his young disciple, Scott, as he bared his anguish at being betrayed and wronged by some seniors in his line of work. Brother offered his timeless wisdom on how to deal with someone who has wronged us.   “Dear Scott, remember that how others treat you reflects their upbringing and insecurities. But you can always control your reaction. Their behaviour has nothing to do with you. It is not an insult to your worth or character but an indication of their petty minds.”   He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle, before continuing, “Instead of seeking revenge, Scott, forgive them. For in forgiveness, you free yourself. Anger and bitterness are slow poisons that can consume you. Release the hurt and betrayal, and choose to forgive."   Scott nodded and listened attentively as Brother continued, “Their actions may be due to hate, envy, jealousy, prejudice, misunderstanding or unmet needs. But reme


  BR. SIMON COELHO   Meet Br. Simon Coelho: a stalwart in the world of education. With his silver hair and dark looks, he is a symbol of authority. His special aura evokes fear and respect. His office is a treasure house of books, memorabilia, and nostalgia.   Br. Coelho has spent several decades shaping young minds and preparing them to face the challenges of life. He keeps the channels of communication open for his students worldwide. His carefully chosen words reflect the depth of his wisdom. His eager students treat his words, ideas, and insights as the gospel and implement them in their lives.   Br. Coelho, a hard taskmaster and a stickler for discipline, ensures his students are hardworking, responsible, and disciplined. Yet, beneath that tough exterior beats a heart brimming with compassion. He listens patiently to his students, fostering two-way communication that allows them to express their grievances and concerns. He provides feedback, guidance, and support whenever needed,


  A MOTHER’S SACRIFICE: A SHORT MEMOIR   The first time I saw my mother was when she gave birth to me and brought me into this world. I was an infant then. Since then, her love has manifested for me manifold from the earliest moments of my life and existence. Being her firstborn, I had a deep sense of attachment with her. Her sacrifices at every stage of my life built the path on which my journey unfolded.   I remember the countless sleepless nights she spent comforting my fears and standing like a rock during all my trials and tribulations. She was a source of inspiration and a reassuring symbol in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. She nursed me during all my sicknesses, accompanying me to the different doctors and hospitals. She always scolded me about being fit and used to monitor my diet strictly. She ensured that I always ate healthily. She was my constant companion with whom I shared all my highs and lows.     As I grew older, I realised how she set aside her dreams and


  UNDERSTANDING A CRIMINAL MIND   REPORTER: Thank you, Draco, for granting us this interview with The Globe Newspaper. As the mastermind behind the Dope Shadow Stalkers, a name that strikes fear into the hearts of many, could you share a glimpse of your early life and the path that led you to this position of power?   DRACO: Well, I come from an immigrant family. I grew up in the forests where it was the survival of the fittest. We soon assumed an urban identity. We lived by snatching food from others. That was our means of survival. Seeing my penchant for brutality and ingenuity, my clan, whom you people call extremists, appointed me their leader.   REPORTER: How do you operate?   DRACO: We operate under a veil of secrecy. We are highly secretive people. We take pride in being more technologically advanced than any government can ever dream of becoming. We have more superior tech than the antiquated government ones. We are always two steps ahead of the Conscientious Guardians or any g